DI不会讲,口语没商量?环球雅思哥教你玩转Describe Image

2017年10月09日 环球雅思墨尔本分校


说到PTE口语,相信大家最害怕的题型就是Describe Image, 江湖传言DI不会讲口语没商量。其实只要掌握套路,DI也不是坚不可摧。今天环球雅思哥带大家来看一下DI都有哪些考点和答题技巧。


如大家经常能在朋友圈和公众号里看到的成绩单晒图,PTE各项分数是互相影响的,并且成绩单会给出过程分,也就是思四项单项分数下面的六项小分,分别是语法、流利度、发音、拼写、词汇量和论述。总体来说,跟speaking部分得分相关的是流利度和发音,其中流利度在DI的考察中占比最高。因此也在这提醒大家,考试的时候DI的要点是keep talking,说出尽量多的关键信息。答题时间为40秒,一个符合正常语言逻辑的回答大概可以分为四句话:开头概括表头,中间两句描述图表内容包括趋势最大值最小值或者variation,最后一句总结结论或立场。考试期间遇到看不太懂得图片也不要心急,只要说够26秒就有分数,也如上所述机器会寻找关键词,尽量描述出能看懂的部分即可。以下是不同类型的图片和解题办法。

1. 图表题

这类图片内容是表格以及相应的pie chart, bar chart, mix chart等,关键信息包括横纵坐标或表格数据的相互关系、最大值、最小值、bar chart的数据变化趋势、以及可能隐含的原因等。推荐答题思路为:第一句介绍图表表头以及横纵坐标,第二句介绍数据最大值最小值,第三句介绍数据变化趋势,第四局总结信息得出观点。


Increase, enhancement, rise, go up, develop, etc

Decrease, descend, drop, fall, go down, reduce, etc.

Flat, remain still, keep at xxx, etc.

Maximum, minimum, peak, top, average, etc.


The picture is a line chart of Australian exports to several different geographies over 1994-2012 in terms of billion dollar annually. It is clear that the total exports have been increasing during this period of time, and the same with each geography except for a slight decrease to Japan in 2009. Also, China has replaced Japan to become the country with the largest importing from Australia since 2009. In short, Australia is experiencing an overall exporting enhancement in the past years.

2. 流程图



Firstly, secondly, originally, initially, in its infancy stage, at the very beginning, at the following stage, later on, afterwards, finally, eventually, in the end, a la fin, etc.



This picture indicates the life cycle of a silkworm with five stages. Approximately ten days after coming out of the egg, it becomes a silkworm larva feeding on mulberry leaf. Then it takes four to six weeks for the larva to get silk thread surrounding itself with a part of its tail outside. At the following stage which takes around three to eight days it eventually become a cocoon with silk thread covering all around. At the end, it will come into a moth after 16 days or so.


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