ALC最美项目 | “时尚圣经”《VOGUE》报道:Walla Walla,您下一个葡萄酒度假目的地

2018年04月17日 美国移民ALC



Why Walla Walla, Washington Should be Your Next Wine Region Vacation

APRIL 6, 2018 3:32 PM


Walla Walla. It’s a fun name to say—and almost everyone who visits has a different way of saying it. The tiny town in southeastern Washington has been making a big name for itself as of late, growing from a small wheat farming community at the foot of the Blue Mountains to a world class wine destination with over 100 wineries in just a few short decades. But unlike many of the world’s most famous grape-growing regions, Walla Walla doesn’t specialize in one definitive varietal or style; thanks to a range of soils, elevation, and micro-climates, the area excels at everything from Cabernet Sauvignon to Tempranillo to Malbec to Merlot. Truly, a wine to suit every taste—and pronunciation. Still, if pressed, locals and critics alike will usually say that Walla Walla Syrah is the thing to get.

Don’t go expecting the pine trees and misty skies of nearby Seattle or Portland; here, it’s all about rolling hills covered with sage brush or rows and rows of grapevines. In the growing season, the verdancy of those vines creates an otherworldly effect against the otherwise arid land—especially as the sun begins to descend, coloring the sky with vibrant streaks of orange red. Walla Walla's sunsets are legendary and, truly, some of the most enchanting around.

Where to Stay in Walla Walla

Local Va Piano winemaker Justin Wylie had a vision for the 300 acres of vineyards that stretch across the rolling hills just outside of downtown Walla Walla: a sleek but intimate design hotel the likes of which the area had never seen. To achieve his dream, he enlisted the help of two longtime friends who just happen to be well-versed in the world of hospitality: James Beard award-winning chef Jason Wilson and Chad Mackay of Seattle-based hospitality group Fire & Vine. Together, the three have crafted a modern mini resort complete with a ten airy suites, a pool, events space, and restaurant all centered around a crystalline lake and set to open later this spring.


Walla Walla,您下一个葡萄酒度假目的地

发布于04/06/2018 Vogue

Walla Walla(华拉瓦拉),这个名字的英文发音非常有趣--几乎每位游客称呼它的方式都不尽相同。这座坐落在华盛顿州东南部的小镇,在短短的几十年间,从蓝山山脉脚下种植小麦为主的农场区,逐渐发展为拥有超过上百家酒厂的世界一流葡萄酒产区。与很多葡萄酒产区不同,这座城市不仅仅局限于单一品种或风格;得益于其独特的土壤类型,海拔和气候环境,Walla Walla的葡萄酒品种百花齐放,包括赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon), 普兰尼洛(Tempranillo), 马尔贝克(Malbec)和梅洛(Merlot)等。这里的葡萄酒满足每一种口味的需要。如果一定要推选品种的话,当地人和专业葡萄酒鉴赏家通常还会选择Walla Walla出产的西拉(Syrah)。

不同于西雅图或波特兰的松树和朦胧的天空。在这里,一切都是绵延起伏的葡萄藤丘陵。在葡萄生长季节里, 这些藤蔓与土壤产生神奇的相互效果—每当太阳西下时,鲜艳的桔红色染满天空。这里的日落如传说一般,令人十分迷醉。

Walla Walla住宿推荐


著名红酒品牌Va Piano的酿酒师 Justin Wylie一直以来都有一个梦想。他希望拥有一座300英亩的葡萄庄园,坐落在市区外,横跨连绵起伏的丘陵。这座庄园将突破传统酒庄的设计,结合现代时尚元素,带来亲切舒适的体验。他非常幸运地获得了两位精通餐饮旅游业的老朋友的支持:美国最负盛名的餐饮界大奖詹姆斯·比尔德奖(James Beard Awards) 获奖大厨Jason Wilson和西雅图当地餐饮旅游集团Fire & Vine负责人Chad Mackay。三人一起联手打造了一座现代感十足的的迷你庄园,拥有十间精品套房、包括游泳池、活动空间和餐厅等配套。所有设施环绕在酒庄中心的水晶湖周围,酒庄计划在今年春季开业。



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