美商会邀您投稿2019白皮书! AmCham Needs Your Contribution-2019 White Paper!

2018年11月02日 西南美国商会


Dear AmCham Members and Friends:






You have been selected to contribute important information for our contribution to the 2019 American Business in China White Paper

The White Paper will present the views of contributing AmCham China members, focusing on trade and commercial issues that impact their business operations in Southwest China, and will establish a Policy Platform for the coming year. The White Paper is widely distributed and referred to by officials in Chinese and U.S. governments and is the unified voice of foreign business in China. Contributors have an unparalleled opportunity to raise concerns and offer policy recommendations to those at the highest levels of U.S.-China cooperation.

As a contributing company, you will receive a VIP ticket to give a presentation about your industry at 2019 AmCham Southwest’s White Paper Release Celebration, earning recognition as an industry leader at one of our largest annual events. 

如果确定投稿,请您发送邮件至[email protected]告知我们。


  •  一份2019年白皮书投稿表格

  • 一份商业调查,旨在了解会员企业在成都的总体发展情况

  • 一份2018白皮书章节



  • 请尽量详细阐述该问题和您提出的建议

  •  在引用相关政策时,请使用其官方名称和及其正式实施时间与范围

  •  请尽量避免使用缩写或简称,请解释专业术语或尽量减少使用专业术语


请将填写后的表格在2018年11月8日,周四前发送至[email protected]

若您有任何疑问,请联系Brent Coulter(微信号:donostia,邮箱: [email protected]或 吴茜( 邮箱:[email protected] 电话:028-8526-8761) 。


If you comfirm to contribute, please inform us and send email to [email protected]

We will send you the Form by mail, and you will find the below attachment:

  • This year’s Contribution Form

  • A multiple-choice Business Survey whose results will present a broad view of members’ experiences in Chengdu

  • 2018 White Paper Section

(Contribution Form and Business Survey Form are attached in "Read more")

Your contribution is your opportunity to discuss the specific regional issues your industry faces. When writing your White Paper contribution, please keep the following in mind:

  • When discussing issues or recommendations, please be as specific and detailed as possible

  • Refer to policies by their official name and include the date and scope of implementation

  • Spell out acronyms and explain or avoid technical terms


Please submit your finished contribution to [email protected] by Thursday, Nov. 8th.

If you have questions, please contact Brent Coulter  (Email: brent@amchamsouthwest.org  WeChat ID: donostia), or Vanilla Wu (Email:  [email protected]  Phone: 028-8526-8761).

谢谢您对西南美国商会的大力支持,我们诚意期待您宝贵的建议 !

Thank you for your time,and we look forward to reading your contributions!

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