11月13日 周二 18:30 中国留美学生交流会
Tuesday, November 13, 18:30 International Education Week Alumni Fair
To celebrate 2018 International Education Week, EducationUSA Shanghai will organize a series of public events to help address issues and questions related to U.S. higher education for those interested in studying abroad to the United States.
中国有很多曾赴美国高等院校深造的留学生,他们对于赴美留学这个话题自然是有很多生动而独到的了解。本场活动中,EducationUSA上海请到了来自Penn State University、Ohio State University、 University of California, Irvine、 University of Maryland、University of Virginia、 Dartmouth College、Temple University、California State University, East Bay等八所美国高等院校的留学生,他们会分享各自的留学经历,并解答来自观众的提问。
China is home to scores of alumni who studied at, and graduated from, U.S. higher education institutions. These alumni offer vivid and personal perspectives on the experience of studying abroad in the United States. To celebrate International Education Week, EducationUSA Shanghai wants to introduce you to some of these alumni for a special Chinese-language event. This event will feature featuring graduates from eight different U.S. schools. During the event, the alumni will talk about their individual experiences and happily field questions from those in attendance. The event will also include a small-scale College Fair, where you can learn more about their alma maters. Schools represented are as follows: Penn State University, Ohio State University, University of California, Irvine, University of Maryland, University of Virginia, Dartmouth College, Temple University, California State University, East Bay.
11月14日 周三 15:00 EducationUSA赴美留学咨询会
Wednesday, November 14, 15:00 EducationUSA Shanghai Group Advising
To celebrate 2018 International Education Week, EducationUSA Shanghai will organize a series of public events to help address issues and questions related to U.S. higher education for those interested in studying abroad to the United States.
Do you want to learn more about the application process, different school and major options for U.S. higher education institutions? On November 14, from 3:00-4:30pm, the Shanghai American Center will host an EducationUSA advising session to help you explore U.S. study abroad options. During this time, you can read the latest books and resources on U.S. education opportunities and ask our official EducationUSA Advisor for tips on studying in the U.S. Don’t miss this great opportunity!
This event will be in Chinese.
上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。
地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540室
如果你希望以邮件的形式收到将来上海美国中心活动的通知,请联系[email protected]。