国际宽容日-11月16日。@联合国 决心通过加强不同文化和民族之间的相互了解来促进宽容。这是《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》的核心要素。在这个以根本不尊重人的生命为特征的暴力极端主义不断增加,冲突日益扩大的时代,这一点更为重要。1996年,联合国大会通过第会第51/95号决议,邀请各成员国于每年11月16日共同庆祝国际宽容日,举办针对教育机构和广大公众的活动。联合国发起一项在世界各地促进宽容、尊重和尊严的新活动。“团结一致”活动作为一项全球活动,旨在减少人们对于难民和移民的消极看法和态度,并增强东道国和社区、难民和移民之间的社会关系。http://www.un.org/zh/events/toleranceday/index.shtml
International Day for Tolerance - November 16.
The United Nations is committed to strengthening tolerance by fostering mutual understanding among cultures and peoples. This imperative lies at the core of the United Nations Charter, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and is more important than ever in this era of rising and violent extremism and widening conflicts that are characterized by a fundamental disregard for human life.
In 1996, the UN General Assembly (by resolution 51/95) invited UN Member States to observe the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November.
The United Nations has launched a new campaign to promote tolerance, respect and dignity across the world. TOGETHER is a global campaign that aims to reduce negative perceptions and attitudes towards refugees and migrants, and to strengthen the social contract between host countries and communities, and refugees and migrants.