时间: 10月30日周二 19:00-21:00
地点: 广州 天河区 华夏路(从地铁珠江新城站B1出口向前直行100米)美国驻广州总领事馆领事部客人出入口林肯大厅一楼
How to Build a HarmoniousFamily Relationship
We will explore the evolving cultural and legal treatment of domestic violencein the US and China. Starting with an explanation, we will discuss the waysthat abuse and intimidation are used to gain power in intimate relationships.We will talk about the work of feminists in the United States to change perceptionsand support women living with abuse. Finally, we will speak to the currentsupports available to survivors of domestic violence in the U.S.
我们将探讨在美国和中国针对家庭暴力的文化演变和法律变化。首先谈什么家庭暴力,然后讨论用虐待和恐吓在亲密关系中获得权力的方式,美国女权主义者在改变观念和支持生活在虐待处境中的妇女的工作情况,最后, 我们将谈谈目前向美国家庭暴力幸存者所提供的支持。
时间: 11月01日周四 14:30-16:00
地点: 广州 天河区 美国驻广州总领事馆 美国中心(公务访客入口)
Native American IndianHeritage Month
How much do you know about the first peoples of the United States? Join us foran introduction to Native history and cultures and to learn more about thepresent status of the Native American and Alaskan Native communities with ViceConsul Paul Garr, former co-chair of Natives at Penn and member of the All-IvyNative Council.
你对美国原住民了解多少?欢迎大家来和我们一起了解美国原住民的历史和文化, 并了解美国原住民和阿拉斯加土著社区的现状。
Note: This event is conducted in English and free of charge. You will be askedto show your ID card or passport for admission. Children must be accompanied byan adult. No cameras will be allowed and there is no place to check them, soplease don't bring any cameras with you. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note that attendees of this event grant permission to the U.S.Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice.Permission is granted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish,broadcast or quote this material in public information programs and activities.Content procured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, throughmultiple broadcast channels and print media. Use of content (image, audio orideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much.
In accordance with new security regulations, anyindividual who is visiting the U.S. Embassy or Consulates General in China isnot permitted to bring a laptop into the Embassy or Consulate General.Individuals, who attend our public events, should be prepared to adhere to thisrequirement by not bringing a laptop with them. Please note, the ConsulateGeneral security guards will not store the items for you. We apologize for anyinconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.