加拿大维多利亚教育生活实况, 与你分享北美孩子的教育经历,成长体验。和有相同教育生活理念的父母同行共勉。希望有让你觉得有益的信息和感受。无论你身在何方,我们都想让孩子快乐健康地成长,快乐地做自己最擅长的事。
图书馆推荐给7至12岁孩子的读物。 这是给英语为母语的孩子的,中国孩子有些书读起来会比较难, 建议家长帮孩子做一些筛选,先从页数少,故事性强的读起。
给13到17岁孩子的。 有些书目与第一张书单有重复,一些书对某些孩子在某个年龄不难,但对另一些孩子可能有难度。
爱米粒很爱读书,在上海时就很爱读,只是越往小学高年级, 功课越紧, 作业越多, 虽然认识的汉字越来越多, 阅读能力越来越强, 但读书的时间越来越少。半年前搬到维多利亚后,作业大部分可以在校内完成,回家后自由支配的时间多。又得益于这里发达的图书馆系统和丰富的阅读资源,她每周读一本四五百页的书,以fiction(虚构故事)为主。暑假的一天,她沾沾自喜地对我说,“妈妈,我已经读了很多书了,什么时候能写出可以印成书的故事呢。”我说,“一周一本,五个月也就20来本书,很多吗?” 她算了算,确实啊,“图书馆里有那么多书,我才读了20几本,太少了呀。我要再读快一点,多一点。”
由于BC省教师工潮,上周才开学。进入7年级,新的班级,新的老师,爱米粒很欢喜。新的English Language Art 老师叫Mr. Edwards, 五十多岁, "很重视写作,"爱米粒告诉我,“他布置了一篇作文, My Summer Vacation, 我打算把它写成有点魔幻色彩的。”当她昨天这样说的时候,我并没太放在心上。今天饭后,她兴致勃勃地把她写好的前半部分读给我听,我大吃一惊。 短短半年时间,她写出的东西让我刮目相看,虽然语法还有瑕疵,虽然用词还略显简单,但叙事清楚,想象力丰富,已是地道纯正的英语。孩子,加油,你读过的几十本书已经有效果。阅读,不仅扩展了你的词汇量,让你能够游刃有余的使用它们,也让你领略了很多人的生活和经历,增长了想象力和见识,这些是死记硬背单词永远达不到的。
My Summer Vacation
By Emily W.
This summer was wonderful!
The best thing was my dad came to visit us from all the way on the other side of the earth, and that made everything that happened in the summer more amazing than ever. My dad was like a fairy who brought me luck, and magical things did happen just this summer.
I like to exercise. Every week I do some running. Usually it is 3 to 4 kilometers. It is wonderful to enjoy the breeze,the fresh air, and the beautiful view of trees, houses, and mountains.
So one day, while I was jogging along the road, enjoying life, I caught a blur of brown. It was a huge blur of brown under a pine tree. It kind of looked like a bear, but I told myself it couldn’t be. I never saw a bear in my neighborhood before. As I got closer, I found that it was a bear, in fact a big, brown grizzly bear. The bear had long brown hair,black squinty eyes and long, sharp claws that glowed in the sunlight. I screamed without control. Once you see it in real life you would understand it was too hard not to scream.
Hearing my scream, the bear growled ferociously,it stood on its hind legs, and looking twice as big as usual, its fur stood up,showed the teeth so long and sharp, jaws so big and wide that made me scream louder.
I couldn’t control my legs at all. I made the dumbest decision ever, to run. I screamed and ran at the same time, picking up the fastest speed my legs could bring me. I turned my head and saw it just a metre away, running on its four big paws. No fair! I only got two! I feel like if it went a little bit faster I would be in the middle of its jaws. A shiver went down my spine and I quickly turned myself back to facing the front running and screamed so loud my throat hurt. My unzipped jacket was flying behind me and if the bear tried, I was sure its tongue could touch my jacket. So I got myjacket off as fast as I could, trying to let my jacket come off and block the bear’seyes.
I turned my head expecting the bear with my jacket on its head, not able to see me until it came off. But what I saw made me jump. There it was, perfectly unharmed, getting closer and closer. And myjacket was flying away, barely missed the bear. I concentrated and made alittle progress on getting further away from the bear.
After chasing me for a few minutes, the bear eyed me suspiciously, like I was the weirdest human being it’s ever seen, gave up. Although, it gave up, I was too frightened to stop and ran all the way home, locked the door and closed the curtains.
“What happened? You look so tired,” dad asked me once a caught my breath.
“I saw a bear and I started running and—Wait a minute, I outran a bear!” I suddenly realized that I had made the impossible possible.
The other thing I love besides exercising is baking. I have just started baking cookies, and the thing I love most is eating cookies made all by myself and hearing the people who eat my cookies enjoy them.
One night, I suddenly dreamed of a cookie recipe. In my dream it was healthy and delicious, made with nuts and chocolate chips. I loved it a lot. The following morning I still remembered the recipe,so I wrote it down, and decided to try it out.
I got all the ingredients out, checked the instructions, and started. Sometimes people actually are happy when they are busy, and looking forward to their progress while being busy, and that was justhow I felt. I mixed the ingredients together, humming my favorite melody from Ode to Joy, and happily imagining how people will love my new recipe. And quickly after a while the cookies are ready to put in the oven.
So while waiting for the cookies to be ready,I went to sit on the balcony and enjoy the sunshine. Relaxing, looking at the trees and sky, it was magnificent. I can already smell the delicious smell ofmy cookies! Hey, look, a little squirrel! I said to myself. How cute it is! Awww!Look, it is heading towards me! How nice that is! Soon, it came to my backyard. I was still thinking how cute this little guy is , not noticing that it came hear for a reason.
The little guy climbed up the balcony, onto my chair, its bright black eyes shining, furry tail standing up looking so softand smooth, I couldn’t stop myself from touching it. The squirrel squeaked, but did not move away like squirrels normally do, which caused me immediately to love it.
Beep, beep, beep, the cookies are ready!
I went inside, got my cookies, holding them with my oven mitts, called mom and dad and my sister Kylie (which is my biggest cookie fan), and brought them outside to the balcony. And to my surprise, the squirrel was still there. Its eyes filled with joy, kept sniffing the air, and stared at the cookies.
“Is that a squirrel?!” Kylie shrieked, and sprint to the chair, and started hugging the squirrel. The squirrel, on the other side, looked kind of scared of Kylie’s sudden move, but tried not toescape, quietly went in Kylie’s arms, with the expression of “I won’t go without a piece of whatever that thing is that makes such a fantastic smell”,drooling and staring at the cookies with the shiny eyes.
“Why didn’t the squirrel run?” dad asked.
“Never mind, the cookie looks so delicious,”mom replied and reached for a cookie.
The squirrel screeched, like that piece of cookie was one of its precious treasures. “Oh, you want this, that’s why you stayed here so long.” I said while handing it half a piece of cookie. It smiled(if you ever look carefully, you will find that squirrels are able to actually smile), dreaming its own daydreams, and ran away with the cookie.
“Weird,” dad said.
“Mmmmm, delicious,” mom said.
“Squirrel! Yay yay!” Kylie cried.
“Let’s just enjoy some time together,” I say.And we started eating. They all loved the cookies. Kylie even said it tasted like heaven. Until suddenly, Kylie screeched, “squirrels!” and we found, that there were eighty squirrels in the yard, twenty on the balcony.
“They all want cookies?” dad widened his eyes.
“It can’t be!” mom said.
“It seems like my cookies do taste like heaven.” I smiled. If they do want them we will have to make more together. So Ishouted on the top of my lungs, “All squirrels attention please!” (If you were careful, squirrels do understand English. The 100 squirrels all turned theirtiny heads towards me. “These are called cookies. We are going to make them together and eat them together!” the squirrels cheered. I welcomed them up the balcony and told them the rules—to follow my orders.
I opened my balcony door, and all of thesquirrels ran inside, like a tide coming, and started to play with the furniture.
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