
2014年12月19日 加拿大留学申请

Waterloo student accused of paying man to impersonate her at exam

1名20岁的滑铁卢大学华裔女生钱凯文(Kaiwen Qian,音译)涉嫌支付21岁的华裔男生王龙华(Longhua Wang,音译)900多元钱,让后者代考数学。 这名国际学生面临的不仅的被学校开除,更面临着被加拿大遣返的可能性。据悉王龙华是约克大学的学生,但持有一张伪造的滑铁卢大学学生证,上有他的照片及钱凯文的名字。


A 20-year-old woman and 21-year-old man face charges in connection with an alleged unusual bout of cheating at the University of Waterloo.

The woman, Kaiwen Qian, is a student at the school.

She appeared Wednesday in a Kitchener court on charges of personation and uttering a forged document, and was released on $3,000 bail.

She is accused of getting the man – Longhua Wang, a student at York University – to write an exam for her.

Nick Manning, a spokesperson for the school, says staff were alerted to the possibility one or more students would be cheating during a specific math exam.

“(We) put measures in place to detect that cheating, and we discovered that a male student from a different university had been paid to come and take an exam for one of our students,” he told CTV News.

Wang, Manning said, somehow came into possession of a fake Waterloo student ID containing his picture and Qian’s name.

It’s alleged that Wang was paid more than $900 to write the exam.

Qian returns to court in January.

School officials say they continue to investigate the fake student ID, and whether any others were issued.

“We know that students are under immense pressure to pass exams … and inevitably some will find ways to cheat, which is a great shame,” Manning said.

“We … expect them to uphold very high standards of integrity, which means not cheating.”


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