#活动预报#12月03日:Waterballoon fight ”湿身大战“

2014年12月01日 新西兰艾斯柏林奥克兰分校


12月03日:Waterballoon fight

夏天来咯~最近天气越来越热了,于是Yannick本周就准备了凉快的活动:Waterballoon fight!!




Hey guys, as weather looks good for Wednesday, let's kick off summer with a waterballoon fight! Get ready to get your clothes wet, better not bring your most fashionable t-shirt then, just a thought . After 3pm, we'll probably need your help to fill up the balloons with water and then we'll head to Victoria Park, have a waterballoon fight and play soccer. Write your name down at reception if you are keen

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