Dear Parents
Re: 2013 Academic Year
I am pleased that your son has chosen to spend 2013 at Auckland Grammar School and we all hope that it will be a year of achievement for him both within and outside the classroom.
Auckland Grammar School students experienced considerable success in the classroom, culturally and in a sporting sense in 2012. I believe this culture of success is built on the clear foundations that we set for our young men. We are looking forward to sharing the senior students’ academic results with them as they return to School (Cambridge and NCEA) and as the term ended a significant number of students experienced further success outside of the classroom. Details of these successes will be in the first Headmaster’s Bulletin for 2013.
Keeping you informed
It is our aim to keep you fully informed and to build strong lines of communication throughout 2013. This will include monthly bulletins highlighting student achievements and you will receive a range of electronic communications about School events. As the Term starts we will make some minor changes to our website’s homepage and there will be a short video clip on our direction for 2013.
The ‘Grammar Way’
Experiencing success, meeting challenges and accepting opportunities are at the forefront of the principles Auckland Grammar School operates on. In order for young men to meet their potential we aim to provide an environment that is conducive to learning. This is largely achieved through clearly outlining and implementing our School Rules and expecting young men to meet our standards in and out of the classroom. As we start a new year I wish to ensure you and your son knows what we expect of him before his first day in 2013.
School Rules and Policies
I am taking this opportunity to send you the most up to date version of the Auckland Grammar School ‘School Rules’. The Board of Trustees approved a number of changes to the rules in their November 2012 meeting ready for this year. I would encourage you to discuss the rules with your son so that he can make a positive contribution to school life.
I draw your attention to the Fundamental Rules that apply to all students attending our School. These are key to the School maintaining its standards and allowing all young men to reach their potential.
It is my view that the integrity and standards of the School are seriously compromised by any breach of the fundamental School Rules. The School has policies to provide extensive opportunities for out of classroom activities. The School intends to continue to encourage these extracurricular activities and has an obligation to all parents to ensure these activities are conducted in such a manner that no student is placed at unnecessary risk. I would therefore regard very seriously any breach of the School Rules on school trips.
Please note the provisions relating to the times at which the School Rules apply. Essentially, young men are deemed to be under the School's authority at any time while they are representing the School, at a School activity, on School trips, and on the way to and from School. The School will also expect a student who chooses to be in our uniform at any time to comply with our standards and expectations.
Please communicate with us openly and promptly throughout the year with any concerns you may have about an alleged breach of a fundamental School Rule. You will appreciate that we can only act when we are fully informed. Teachers, Deans and the School’s Executive take such matters very seriously. Breaches of the fundamental School Rules will be referred directly to me.
The rules are important in creating a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff. These policies are not inflexible, nor do they purport to set out a minimum approach. Each case will be considered against all the relevant circumstances. Our greatest issue is the general safety of the young men in our care and the provision of a structured, challenging environment suited to the development of boys and young men.
Uniform and Grooming
The appearance of our young men is an important aspect of school life for setting and maintaining standards. It is the School’s aim to better our own standards and to raise the benchmark in all areas of school life in 2013, beginning with grooming and uniform. The expectations are clearly outlined in the School Rules and as your son has chosen to be part of our School community it is vital he commit himself to meeting our standards of appearance. Please support our standards by checking your son’s appearance and dress meets our code before the School year starts.
It is my expectation that your son wears his uniform with pride at any time he is wearing it. This includes having his shirt tucked in and his socks up.
Haircuts have been a point of discussion and as the new academic year starts I do ask that your son returns to School with a tidy haircut that meets the new grooming code.
Changes have been made to the grooming standards for 2013 and these affect young men at all year levels. I write now so that your son can ensure he meets our standards before the start of the year. I would ask for your support and his, rather than a reactive approach being required by the School next week.
Young men who return to School on the first day and do not meet our grooming or uniform standards will be sent home and followed up with you promptly by their year level Dean.
I look forward to your son’s development this year and I encourage you to be involved in your son’s education by attending School meetings, functions and activities. Thank you for supporting your son’s education and the standards our School aims to attain.
I encourage you to visit our website over the coming weeks to view the changes as they evolve – in particular the video outlining our direction for 2013. In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding this letter or the School Rules please contact my Secretary, Mrs Christina Wilkinson on 623 5422.
Yours sincerely
Tim O’Connor