今天,加拿大联邦移民部公布了将于2015年1月1日开始实施的移民新政——“快速移民”(Express Entry)细则。新的制度将采用打分制度,满分1200分,打分高者将获得移民邀请。打分系统中,对年龄、工作、配偶情况等均有明确规定,已经获得有效工作offer和省提名的申请者将优先获审。新制度设定的完成申请的目标时间为3至6个月。
快速移民将对3种移民类别有效,分别是:Federal Skilled WorkerProgram(联邦技术移民),FederalSkilled Trades Program 和Canadian ExprerienceClass(加拿大经验类别)。有意移民加拿大的,可以通过网上系统完成Express Entry Profile(快速移民简历),简历要求申请人提供工作技能、工作经验、语言能力、教育背景等资料。
加拿大各省和领地,可以从快速移民系统中选择部分申请人,以作为Provincial Nominee Program(省提名项目)的候选人来源。
ExpressEntry – Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) criteria
Summary of points per factor for Express Entry candidates | ||||
A. Core / human capital factors | Points per factor - With a spouse | Points per factor - Without a spouse | C. Skill Transferability factors | Maximum 100 points |
Age | 100 | 110 | Education | Maximum 50 points |
Level of education | 140 | 150 | With good/strong official languages proficiencyand a post-secondary degree | 50 |
Official languages proficiency | 150 | 160 | With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree | 50 |
Canadian work experience | 70 | 80 | Foreign work experience | Maximum 50 points |
B. Spouse factors | Maximum 40 points | With good/strong official languages proficiencyand foreign work experience | 50 | |
Level of education | 10 | With Canadian work experience and foreign work experience | 50 | |
Official language proficiency | 20 | Certificate of qualification(for people in trade occupations) | Maximum 50 points | |
Canadian Work Experience | 10 | With good/strong official languages proficiency and a certificate of qualification | 50 | |
A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse factors | Maximum 500 points (with a spouse) | Maximum 500 points (without a spouse) | A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse + C. Transferability factors | Maximum 600 points |
D. Additional points (maximum 600) | ||||
Arranged employment | 600 | |||
PN nomination | 600 | |||
A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse factors + C. Transferability factors + D. = Grand total - 1200 |