Wonderland 特价票

2015年08月02日 加拿大圣诺旅游

Wonderland 号称为多伦多的迪士尼,占地三百万平方公尺,是加拿大最大的露天游乐场,以六个主题游乐区为特色,里面最有名的莫过于北美最多种类的"云霄飞车",包括 加拿大境内唯一的站立式圈状云霄飞车,真是让人high到不行!还有大型的水上乐园,以及精彩的现场表演项目等等!

Regular Price

Member Price

Adult Single Day E-Ticket

(Ages 3-59, over 48" tall, in shoes.)


$61.99+tax=$70 $37

Junior/Senior Single Day Admission E-Ticket

(Ages 3 & over, under 48" tall or ages 60 and over.)



Best Value Two Day Ticket -- Pay once, Visit Twice
(Ages 3 and up, over 48" tall in shoes.

Ticket valid any two days during the regular 2015 operating season,

May 6 to October.28, by the same person.)

(最超值两日票, 买一赠一,任意时间玩两日)

$57.99+tax+Processing fee $5.99=$71.52 $60

现有名额 (Available seats ): > 6


(1) Finch & Midland 第一广场顶层 PH18 - 4168 Finch Av. E. 416-840-7234 地图

(2) HW7 & Woodbine 204--8791 Woodbine Ave. 416-840-9389 地图

收藏 已赞