Vg's Acupuncture Clinic

2014年05月20日 奥克兰康复中心

Many Chinese medicine clients take western prescribed drugs. Since these drugs change the way organs function ( at a cellular level ) and also communicate with each other, it is important to try or work out the energetic of the drugs concerned.

There is no advantage learning conventional medicine and western pharmacology for its own sake. Western prescribed medicines have to be translated, interpreted and understood within the Chinese dynamic energetic patterns of imbalance.

Prescribed drugs have energetic properties, just like herbs, and may change the pulse, tongue and presenting symptoms. This can be confusing unless you include the effects of drugs as part of the influences ( e.g lifestyle, family history, diet, medical condition ect) that affect and individual client.

Understanding pharmacology has relevance for clinical practice as it helps a Chinese medicine practitioner decide how a medication/s may affect the pattern of imbalance.

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