雅思口语预测 ★★★★ - 2014/05/24
2014年5月17日的考试与无忧小雅哥预计的出入不大,A类小作文地图题及流程图题果然又一次连续的出现了。在上上周5月10日的考试中,考了soft cheese的制作流程,此后,无忧小雅哥强调千万不要忽略流程图及地图题连续出现的可能性,果然,预言又一次得到了印证;此外,在今年3月1日,3月8日,连续的两场考试中出现了地图题及流程图题,这也许将是今后出题的一种趋势!~
口语部分仍有不少新题在出现,但是之前无忧小雅哥总结的building, clock, street market等新题成为了5月17日雅思口语考试的考查重点,之前有准备过的小伙伴们这次是爽翻天了;对于口语新题,烤鸭小伙伴门也不用特别担心,无忧小雅哥已经初步整理完了这些新题,并将这些新题加入《墨尔本无忧雅思口语机经2014冬季版》,本周会通过微博,微信等平台发布,各位小烤鸭们敬请期待!~
Part I
新题:Food;Happiness;Transportation; Food street market; clock; Museums; Friends; Music; Maps; Animals; Noise; Cars; Neighbors; Job;
V51131013 (cooking)
V51131003/ V51131004 (Work/Study),
V51131006 (Sunshine) ,
V51131023 (Plants) ,
V51131029(Clothes) ,
V51131030(Birthdays) ,
V51131031(Accommodation) ,
V51141037 Language ,
V51141039(Housework) ,
V51131011 Patience
V51131014 Advertisement
V51131019 Leisure Time
V51131021 Being Busy
V51131032 Train
V51141038 Internet
Part II & Part III
Describe a thing helps you to learn another language;
Describe a stranger that helped you before;
Describe a product made in your country;
Compare staying at home by yourself and staying with friends;
Describe a festival in your country;
Describe your favorite animal;
Describe a photo of you;
Describe a family celebration/ceremony
Describe an old thing/object your family keeps;
Describe a culture that you want to learn;
Describe a classmate;
Describe something shared;
Describe a garden;
Describe a magazine;
Describe something you bought;
Describe an indoor game;
Describe a festival in your country;
Describe a school you studied before
V51132003(A Useful Website) ,
V51132008(family business) ,
V51132011(A Foreign Language) ,
V51132014(A Photo of You) ,
V51132020(An Important Letter) ,
V51142021(An Important Letter you wrote) ,
V51132031(A Person U’d Like to Spend Time With),
V51132033(An Interesting Person) ,
V51132034(An Old Person You Enjoy Talking to) ,
V51142041(Sth. You Saved Money For) ,
V51142044(An Old thing in Your Family) ,
V51142045(A Film You Dislike),
V51142048(A Time You Were Helped) ,
V51142053(A thing helps you to learn another language) ,
V51142054(A product made in your country),
V51142056(A School You Studied Before) ,
V51142057(Describe an interesting job) ,
V51142060(Describe a Culture) ,
V51142061(Describe positive experience in your life),
V51142062(Describe a special thing bought when you travel)
V51142067 (Something You Bought)
V51142069 (A Time You Forgot Something)
V51142073 ( Something Shared)
V51132001 (A Group),
V51132004 (A Meal You Like),
V51132015 (A Television Program),
V51132017 (An Interesting Speech),
V51132018 (An Item of Clothing in Special occasion),
V51132026 (An Interesting Historical Event),
V51132027 (A Sport Event You Enjoyed Watching),
V51142030 (A Trip by Public Transport),
V51142032 (A Famous Person),
V51132035 (A Tourist Attraction),
V51142037 (A Place to Visit),
V51142043 (An Advertisement)
V51142049 (An Intelligent Person)
V51142050 (A Comic Actor)
V51142055 (Something you enjoy with elder people in your family)
V51142058 (Describe a festival in your country)
V51142059 (Describe your favorite animal)
V51142063 (A Good Law)
V51142064 (Your First Cell Phone)
V51142068 (A Magazine)
V51142072 (Family Celebration)
写作预测 ★★★ - 2014/05/24
5月17日的A类写作部分,流程图地图题果然连续出现了!~在之前一期的预测中,无忧小雅哥曾明确指出虽然5月10日的A类小作文考了流程图soft cheese的制作流程,但不意味着雅思官方不会连续出流程图及地图题;果然,无忧小雅哥的预言又应验了!~5月17日的地图题是比较两个城市的变化,由于内容比较多,点比较分散,因此有不少小伙伴们认为这次的地图题栽了!当然,地图题及流程图题考查的内容大同小异,只要同学们读懂图,了解每一个步骤及变化,将连接词用好,注意替换部分动词,其实这类题型也没有那么的可怕!
由于之前两次考试连续出现了地图题及流程图题,因此该题型的防空警报彻底解除!!!5月24日有考试的童鞋们应重点关注Table,Pie chart,Bar chart等常规题型,此外,mixed chart也有可能会出现。
Task 1 题型预测如下:
Table 40% | Pie chart 20% | Bar chart 20% | Mixed chart 20% |
5月17日的A类大作文是一道老人与育儿类以及教育类的综合题型,在上一期的预测中,无忧小雅哥曾重点强调了老人与育儿类,虽说这次是一道综合题型,但是TV类的话题可能算是所有雅思考生们最喜欢的话题了!~所以还是那句话,预测不是神,但是有时间还是瞄一眼,毕竟有的时候真的很准!~5月17日的大作文的具体题目回忆如下:”Students can learn effectively through watching TV. Therefore they should be encouraged to watch TV regularly both at school and at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”
从题型的方面来看,5月17日考查的是To what extent do you agree or disagree类的话题,该题型是雅思考试中最传统的,也是考查比例最高的题型;在2014年的考试中已经出现了第8次了。但是这类题型和Do you agree or disagree类的题型还是有些许不同的;就5月17日的考题来举例分析,一种比较简单的思路就是同意students can learn effectively through watching TV,但并不意味着they should be encouraged to watch TV regularly both at school and at home,毕竟学生的首要任务还是学习,因此在家和学校好好学习知识是更为重要的目的,如果鼓励学生们在校或者在家看电视,这样学生的注意力必然会被分散!~当然,童鞋们也可以就both at school and at home这个点来分析和argue。
针对于5月24日的考试,由于是一场A类only的考试,因此小伙伴们需要重点关注“discuss both views and give your opinion”, “Do you agree or disagree”这两类题型!~此外,冷门题型“is it a positive or negative development”以及answer the question类的题型也需要关注哦!
从2014年已经进行的15场考试情况来看,无忧小雅哥判断,2014年5月24日的考试,A类同学们应该重点关注. 旅游及文化类,教育类,社会现象及发展类,也需要适当关注科技类。
Task 2 题型预测如下:
旅游及文化类30% | 教育类30% | 社会现象及发展类20% | 科技类 20%