新建15万套住房 远不够缓解澳洲市场短缺

2014年10月17日 北京鼎丰


据澳洲房地产观察网报导,来自RP Data和住房发展局(Residential Development Council)的澳大利亚住房发展观望报告(The Australian Residential Development Outlook)预计,2014/2015财政年度新开发住房将达18万套,已经比此前的预测多了3万套。

住房发展局执行主任普劳德(Nick Proud)表示,平均每年15万套新开发住房依然无法满足市场当前的需求,更不用说缓解短缺问题。他说:“新房建设预计将在未来12至18个月继续增加,但面临的挑战是推进新房建设活动,以应对房市的供应不足。”

同时,RP Data全国研究主任劳利斯(Tim Lawless)称,住房开发活动是对经济状况的检验,强劲的住房开工和销售指标都是积极的经济表现迹象。



150,000 new homes per year, but not even close to bridging shortage: RP Data


《Property Observer》

Australia may be building 150,000 onaverage each year, including 180,000 over the next year, but these figures are not coming close to bridging the housing shortage, according to a new report.

The Australian Residential Development Outlook,from RP Data and the Residential Development Council, report shows a strong forecast over the 2014/2015 financial year with 180,000 dwellings expected –30,000 up on previous forecasts.

Residential Development Council executive director Nick Proud said that 150,000 each year on average is not enough to even meet current demand, let alone reduce the shortage.

“These increased construction rates are expected to continue for the next 12 to 18 months – but the challenge is to keep up this level of activity to meet undersupply,” said Proud.

Meanwhile, RP Data national research director Tim Lawless said that residential development activity has been the“litmus test” for the economy. He said that strong dwelling starts and sales indicators are positive signs.

“Beyond current dwelling activity, we do see some of the inputs that include continued house price growth, demand for housing credit and lending finance that will feed into activity over the next 18 months,” he said.

“Factors such as rising unemployment rates and falling terms of trade could lead to a drop off in the number of new starts from 2016 and this would not only worsen housing affordability, but put greater pressure on state budgets around the country,” said Lawless.

Proud suggested removing policy road blocks,such as planning system delays and stamp duty costs, would help maintain higherconstruction rates and improve affordability.

He said that state governments should be driving these policy changes.

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