2015DHG迪曼投资美国巡回论坛(重庆站)成功举办!2015年10月重庆富力凯悦酒店 2015DHG迪曼国际投资巡回论坛(重庆站)于10月26日在重庆富力凯悦酒店成功举办!此次论坛由迪曼中国主办,中国西南美国商会、重庆市对外贸易经济委员会以及重庆市投促局协办。 On Oct. 26th, DHG Investment in the U.S. Forum Chongqing Leg was successfully held at Hyatt Regency in Chongqing. This event is organized by DHG together with AmCham Chongqing Office, Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Commission and Chongqing Investment Promotion Bureau. 此次论坛汇聚了来自不同领域的中美专业服务供应商代表,包括法律行业的Nexsen Pruet律师事务所和美商会会员企业中豪律师集团, 会计/税务行业的DHG会计师事务所,风险评估/保险行业的Willis韦莱集团,银行业的华美银行,选址与奖励机制谈判行业的戴维洛普以及建筑工程行业的Moss建筑工程公司,为与会来宾对在美投资进行了全方位地咨询讲解。 This event gathered professional services providers from China and the U.S. in six fields to provide a 360 degree consulting opportunity for guests. They are Nexsen Pruet and Zhonghao Law Firm from law industry, DHG from accounting and tax industry, Willis from risk evaluation industry, East West Bank from commercial bank industry, Development Advisors from location analysis industry and Moss from construction industry. ▲美商会会员企业中豪律师集团合伙人杨青先生 活动现场气氛热烈,主讲嘉宾幽默风趣,为来宾们带来了建设性的投资建议和项目介绍。来自重庆知名本地企业的60多位来宾参加了此次论坛,在上午精彩的多课题演讲、案例分析及投资项目推介环节之后,还品尝了由凯悦酒店提供的精致自助午餐。下午的一对一咨询环节更为有意赴美投资的企业解答了个性化的业务及投资问题。此次论坛活动成功举行! On the forum, the speakers presented guests with constructive advices and projects instruction for investing in the U.S. Representatives of 60 local corporates in Chongqing attended this forum. After the speeches section, guests enjoyed the buffet lunch provided by Hyatt Regency and moved to the one-on-one consulting section in the afternoon. This event received positive feedback from guests and hit a big success!