【真题回忆】雅思考试真题 2014年7月12日

2014年07月12日 无忧小雅哥

【2014.7.12 A类小作文】

今天A类小作文考查了Line graph和Table的混合题型,分别是2010年和2014年不同搜索引擎的数据对比,无忧小雅哥之前有题型烤鸭们重点注意Line graph以及Table的写法,之前有读过墨尔本无忧雅思预测的孩纸们爽呆了吧

【2014.7.12 A类大作文】

Some people argue that younger people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while others think it is a good idea. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 预测完美命中!本期预测题的第17题一模一样,一个字都不差!

【2014.7.12 G类小作文】

Your friend invited you to her wedding, the reason that you cannot attend; and invite your friend to visit your place; and introduce some activities.

经典的informal letter,希望大家好运!~

【2014.7.12 G类大作文】

Some people have unhealthy diet and do not have enough exercise. What do you think of this? How to encourage people have a heathy lifestyle?

本场G类的考试又出现了Answer the question的题型,小伙伴们一定要注意分段哦,确保两个问题都回答了!~

P.S. 许多考生回忆说今天的听力难到爆,单词拼写的要求非常高,且出现了无数的选择题!~


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