合肥加拿大国际学校国际课程说明会暨赴京家庭教育观摩团招募 抢!奖学金!

2014年06月18日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Canadian International School of Hefei Introduction Seminar (including the Sino-Foreign program)


一、Admission Instruction Arrangement/招生说明会安排

Time: 2pm June 22nd, 2014

LocationHongfeng Room in Crown Plaza of Hefei, located Huangshan Rd

TopicFamily education focus group to Beijing recruitment&Apply for Scholarship20-50% Tuition Fee Discount

时 间: 2014年6月22日14:00

地 点:合肥皇冠假日酒店红枫厅(合肥市黄山路西二环交汇处)



The Canadian International School (CIS), supported by the Chinese government and Canadian government, opened its first campus in Beijing in 2005. Over the past decade, CIS has a proven track record of success and won a great reputation in the diplomatic and expatriate communities. CIS is an IB World School fully authorized to deliver the International Baccalaureate program. CIS is also authorized to grant credits toward completion of New Brunswick High School Diploma for graduates to gain entry into top universities throughout the world. CIS is proud that our graduates are granted entrance to world recognized colleges and universities throughout Canada, USA, Europe and Asia.

CIS is now pursuing its academic excellence and educational philosophy in the Hefei campus. The Canadian International School of Hefei (CISH) is committed to cultivating self confident and self reliant global citizens and leaders by offering a challenging internationally recognized Canadian education curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Programwith an international perspective, ranging from Montessori Nursery (18 months to 3 years), Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten to Grade 12.

CISH creates secure, nurturing learning environments where students can develop the independent thinking and various skills needed for future endeavor. CISH is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to serve and provide our students with the highest education standard possible, in an environment suited to healthy and well-rounded growth.

We are the first school in Anhui Province incorporating Smartboard technology extensively in teaching and learning activities. The technology gives the students and teachers an interactive learning tool and the capability to interact with the Internet immediately, facilitating and enhancing the learning process and knowledge base.

Our teachers are all well qualified to teach at their respective levels meeting Canadian certification standards or the equivalent. The staff is a wonderful blend of the experienced and the young. The majority of our staff is recruited from Canada with a blend of teachers from Asia so that the best of both cultures is represented in our school. Our teachers have a varied background in teaching with many teachers having taught in a number of different countries throughout the world.

We look forward to welcoming your family to the Canadian International School of Hefei and hope you find your child's studies with us rewarding.

合肥加拿大国际学校(Canadian International School of Hefei,以下简称国际学校)是安徽首家15年一贯制国际学校,合作办学的双方是合肥高新技术产业开发区管理委员会与加拿大纽宾士域省政府教育部和加拿大加皇国际教育集团。国际学校完全采用以英语为基础的先进的加拿大课程体系,并完全由加拿大纽宾省教育部选派的具有加拿大教师资格证的加籍教师开展日常教育教学活动。国际学校以培养全面发展的高素质国际型人才为根本宗旨,着力营造一个寓教于乐的学习氛围,力争把学生塑造成为具有创新精神,批判性思维,良好的团队合作精神,服务社会的综合型国际化世界公民。



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