在马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)巴布森學院(Babson College)讲授管理和创业课程的埃里克·诺伊斯(Erik Noyes)说,世界上大多数人都认为创业往往从车库或商务园区起步,涉及的都是初创企业。实际上创业思维就是独立思考,任何相关专业的学生、大公司的工作人员和自行创业的人士都擅长于此道。
开发自己独立思考的能力不应该等到毕业以后。华盛顿(Washington)乔治敦大学的学生们萌发了专为学生提供金融服务的设想,创立了自己的银行,乔治敦大学校友和学生联邦信用社(Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union)。
由马里兰大学(University of Maryland)学生建立和管理的初创孵化器(Startup Shell)负责扶植新生企业,帮助学生们创建自己的企业。 这个孵化器提供工作场地、初创资源、免费法律咨询,并为组建公司,申请专利和商标提供折扣服务。学生们开创的项目有3-D投影绘制、生物企业、鸡肉圆饼售货车等。
俄亥俄州(Ohio)欧柏林学院(Oberlin College)为该校音乐学院的学生音乐家开设了一项创业课程,讲授关于自由职业营销、演职员建团、新闻简报制作、网上宣传和巡回演出预算等方面的知识。
音乐学院院长安德烈·卡林(Andrea Kalyn)说,学生们都很了解,他们今后都会走自由职业的道路,或者兼任其他职业。他们希望做具有个性的工作,也希望为实现愿望获得帮助。
道格拉斯·阿里昂(Douglas Arion)作为物理学家和公司主管创立了科学作坊(ScienceWorks)。这是威斯康辛州(Wisconsin)迦太基学院(Carthage College)为科学和技术专业本科学生建立的创业项目。一位为启动该项目提供捐助的人告诉他,科学专业的学生可以统领全世界,但他们不知道怎样做。
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Want to succeed? It’s all about the way you think.
Colleges across the U.S. teach an entrepreneurial mindset, which helps not just business-minded students, but those in every field of study.
“Most of the world thinks of entrepreneurship as something that happens in a garage or an office park, and that it’s all about startups,” said Erik Noyes, who teaches a course on management and entrepreneurship at Babson College in Massachusetts. In fact, entrepreneurial thinking is simply independent thinking, accessible to students in any field, to workers who work for large corporations, and those who start their own ventures, he said.
On-campus entrepreneurs
Developing one’s ability to think independently shouldn’t wait until after graduation. That is why students at Georgetown University in Washington interested in tailoring financial services to students were able to start their own bank, the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union. It boasts $500,000 in deposits from current students. The positions of chief executive right down to the bank tellers are Georgetown students, and the credit union is now the largest entirely student-run financial institution in the United States, with approximately $17 million in assets and 7,000 members.
Startup Shell is an incubator for new businesses, started by and run by students at the University of Maryland to launch student ventures. It offers work space, prototyping resources, free legal consultations and discounts on incorporation, patents and trademarks. Student projects range from 3-D projection mapping and biotech ventures to a chicken-doughnut food truck.
Beyond business school
Oberlin College in Ohio offers an entrepreneurship program for the student-musicians enrolled in its conservatory. Classes include instruction in freelance marketing, ensemble startups, creating press kits, building an online presence and budgeting for tours. The students, said Andrea Kalyn, dean of the conservatory, “know that they’re going to end up in some sort of a freelance or mixed career. They want to do individualized things, and they want help in getting them done.”
After a career as a physicist and corporate executive, Douglas Arion started ScienceWorks, an entrepreneurship program for science and tech undergraduates at Carthage College in Wisconsin. An initial donor-supporter of the program told him that science students could rule the world, “but they don’t know how.”
Arion supplements their science education with lessons on writing grant proposals and applying for patents. He tells his students that in the real world, “the grades are A and F. Either they fund your project or they don’t. If you get 88 percent, you don’t get 88 percent of the money.”
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