【美国初选】 为什么总统选举在11月的第一个星期一之后的星期二举行?

2016年01月28日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

#美国初选# - 为什么总统选举在11月的第一个星期一之后的星期二举行? 

大部分美国历史时期,美国在很大程度上是一个农业社会。正因为如此,立法者将大选日期定在11月是最佳选择— 在秋收季节之后,又在不便于旅行的冬季之前 — 是对农民和农工来说前往投票的最方便的时间。在周二举行选举可以让那些不得不长途跋涉的人们周日参加教会礼拜后再离家。



#US-Primaries – Why is the Presidential election held on Tuesday after the first Monday in November? - 

For most of U.S. history, America was largely an agrarian society.  Because of this, lawmakers considered a November date for elections as the best choice— after harvest time but before winter weather made travel difficult — as the easiest month for farmers and rural workers to go to the polls.  Having an election on Tuesday also gave those who had to travel a long distance a chance to leave their homes after Sunday church services.  

To read more about why presidential election dates were set, please follow this link (Chn): 



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