近日,Macquarie Dictionary将前总理艾伯特所说的“captain's call”评为2015年澳洲年度金句。
在去年的澳洲国庆日,艾伯特在完全没有征得内阁同意的情况下,擅自决定将澳洲最高荣誉——澳洲骑士勋章(Australian Knighthood)授予英国女王的丈夫菲利普亲王。
当被问及为何要将这一荣誉授予菲利普亲王时,艾伯特的回答则让全澳民众为之震惊:“君主制对澳洲可重要了!(The monarchy has been an important part of Australia's life since 1788)”
此话一出,艾伯特便在网上遭到了疯狂吐槽。但是这位澳洲前总理却立刻说出了第二句“名言”:这是一个“captain's call”(词源于板球运动,原意:队长的决定)。
随后,澳洲民众开始将没有征集他人意见的决定称为“captain's call”。而Macquarie Dictionary也将“captain's call”选为2015年澳洲年度金句。
Macquarie Dictionary委员会认为,“captain's call”完美概括了2015年澳洲政坛所发生的一切,艾伯特总是在不征求同僚意见的情况下擅自做决定。
lumbersexual – a portmanteau of lumberjack and metrosexual – referring to urban men who adopt the style of an outdoorsman as a fashion statement.
deso:Colloquially refers to a designated driver, who refrains from drinking alcohol in order to drive others safely home. Also, deso driver.
keyboard warrior:a person who adopts an excessively aggressive style in online discussions which they would not normally adopt in person-to-person communication, often in support of a cause, theory, world view, etc.
price baiting:the practice adopted by a real estate vendor of advertising a
property at a discounted price which would not ultimately be accepted
at auction, in an attempt to lure possible buyers to the auction.
listicle:a type of article in online journalism and blogging which is
presented in the form of a list.
Frankenfruit:a fruit produced as a hybrid of other fruits, or infused with the flavour of another fruit, or genetically modified in some way.
grolar bear:a hybrid species, the offspring of a grizzly bear and a polar bear; occurring naturally in greater numbers as a result of climate change.
abandoned porn:a genre of photography which romanticises abandoned buildings and urban areas in a state of decay. Also, ruin porn.
废墟艺术照:一种摄影类型,通过摄影技术使被遗弃的建筑和衰退区呈现一种颓废的浪漫色彩。英文也可以称之为“ruin porn”。
wombat gate:a swing gate installed in a ditch going underneath a fence, so that wombats, who follow very predictable patterns at night, can come and go without destroying the fence.
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