编者语:诗人张慧玲,笔名水手,早年在国内英语专业毕业,极赋文学财富。在深圳创业时经常在当地的文学刊物上投稿自己的文学作品。移民加拿大后,先后在加拿大的六个城市留下了自己生活的足迹,这六个城市无一例外地将她的诗韵飘逸在他们的各个角落。去年,为纪念抗战胜利七十周年,她的文采被导演相中,于是纪念白求恩的命题朗诵诗,从她的笔尖款款流出。Fort McMurray,是她在加拿大的居住地之一,这场大火撞击了她已久的情怀,她说是英语的感觉,那么我们看看她的英语诗是如何表述的。
Fort McMurray 是我在加国迁徙安家的第五座城市。从多伦多的闹市搬家到那,反差也不能再大些了。对那儿的回忆是英文的,这首诗,情不自禁地就写成英文了。
My Fort McMurray
It was not long ago, you were
a small town and I was young
I chose you,
not for fortune,not for reclusion
Your wildness coloured my passion
Exploring your remote land
Aurora flushed sky and sand
In your best days you hugged me,
As tender as my mom could be
From Gregoire to Timberlea
Adventurers called you home
Planting flowers and dream
Oh, the Bridge to No-where
Long ago we were once there
Had there been no darkness
How would I cherish days afterwards
But, never expected is this evil fire
Burning a moment of fear and despair
Driving through the flames I cried
with a valley of yesterday
Left behind
I thought I left you,but no.
When another morning came
I saw rosy dew of past
in the backyard of my heart
This fire will die
Those days
How you impressed me
Can gently ignite my memory
Upon a soft whisper of
the name, Fort McMurray
By Janice Zhang Calgary Copyright reserved