【北京美国中心活动】5月13日, 周五晚6:30:电影放映和讨论:怎样才能成为一名世界级马拉松运动员?

2016年05月12日 美国驻华大使馆




快来加入我们北京美国中心, Nikki Kimball ,美国的世界级极限马拉松选手,将谈论她的生活,并展示她的两个电影。第一部电影, “ 寻找牵引 ” ,是关于她从加拿大通过佛蒙特州的长尾到马萨诸塞州的远征。她也将展示并讨论关于她的关于队友从云南茶马古道到西藏的短片。体育和旅游跑步 爱好者们不可错过本次活动 !




注意:本活动对一般公众和媒体开放。有关媒体采访细节须直接与美国使馆新闻处取得联系 。

This program will be conducted in English.  One of the movies will have Chinese subtitles.

What does it take to become one of the world’s best marathon runners?  What can sports teach us about gender equality and mental health?  What is it like to run hundreds of miles, meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds along the way?  Would you like to meet an elite female runner who is being sponsored to run the Conquer the Wall Marathon on Sunday in Beijing?

Come join us at the American Center, where Nikki Kimball, an American world-class ultra-marathon runner, will talk about her life and show two of her film projects.  The first film, “Finding Traction,” is about her expedition run from Canada to Massachusetts through Vermont’s Long Trail.  She will also show and discuss her short film about her teammate’s project to run the Tea and Horse Trail from Yunnan to Tibet.  Lovers of sports and scenic jogs should not miss this program!


This program is not suitable for children under 6.

NOTE: This event is open to the general public and the media.  Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.

* 请记住携带有效身份证件进入北京美国中心。请此活动勿携带大包。 
You must bring a valid photo ID in order to get into our Center.  No large bags will be allowed into the Beijing American Center (BAC) for this event. 

For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. 

地点:朝阳区呼家楼京广中心 2801 室北京美国中心 
Location: Jing Guang Center, Suite 2801, Hu Jia Lou, Chaoyang District. 

交通:地铁 10 号 6 号线,呼家楼站 D 出口,向南步行过一个路口即到京广中心。 
Directions: Metro Line 10 or 6, Hu Jia Lou Exit D, walk south one block to the JingGuang Center. 

请加使馆微信 USEmbassyChina 关注我们的活动。 
Follow us on the Embassy’s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina.

如果您想了解更多北京美国中心活动,请关注北京美国中心的豆瓣网站 : http://site.douban.com/127124 
For more BAC event information, follow us on DOUBAN: http://site.douban.com/127124



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