哪所澳大利亚大学校友最能跑?5月15 约起 Happy 10K欢乐跑

2016年05月11日 澳大利亚政府教育资讯


Show your Aussie sport spirit! Run and find your alumni. Build your Australian University team. The biggest university team will receive a special medal from ACAA.


ACAA and R&F Brisbane one invite you to join the Happy 10K Run organisied by Guangzhou Chinese Athletic Association & Yingfang Sport Media (China) Co Ltd 

ACAA highly recomend you to arrive at 7:00 am to warm up and get your university face stickers 强烈建议校友们 7:00 am 到达现场热身并领取学校logo贴纸

Date: Sun 15 May 2016

Time: 7.30-9.30 pm (trail close at 9.30am) 

Start & Finish points: N. Square of Canton Fair Complex 起点:广交会展馆北广场,广交会展馆及阅江路沿线 



  • first 10 teams to register get their fee (100 RMB/person) sponsored by R&F Brinsbane One 前10队报名由富力地产布里斯班1号赞助价值每人100元的报名费

  • minimum 10 people a team 最少10人为一队

Register by 10th May via ACAA WeChat official account & sign up, click RSVP on the event page

5月10日前通过ACAA 微信公众号报名

马上点击阅读原文报名 Click "Read more" to register now


- 请报名后单独发身份证号码或护照号码给 [email protected]。身份证号码用于主办方购买保险及参赛者赛后查询成绩

- 由主办方提供相关配套装备

- ACAA澳中同学会方阵将提供独特的 T shirt

- ACAA将提供学校logo脸部贴纸/水印识别学校校友团队

- 比赛结束请在终点集中合影

Event details:

- Please email your ID or passport number to [email protected] after registration. This is for insurance and record checking after the run

- The Happy 10K organiser will provide a set of equipments

- The ACAA will provide a special t shirt

- The ACAA will provide face stickers to indentify different teams

-  Group photo after the run

如有疑问请拨打 020 2237 3101,更多详情可查看主办方官方网站 http://www.happy10k.cn

Please call 020 2237 3101 for enquries. Visit the organiser's official site http://www.happy10k.cn for more details

选手报名活动成功后将收到我们的邮件通知  You will receive an email after sign up on ACAA Connect





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