澳大利亚的创业者们 —— 如果打算向海外拓展业务,尤其是想在中国甚至更广阔市场成就一番事业的话,请务必抓紧时间申请入驻上海创客基地。 Australian Startups: want to take your business global? Want to create an impact in China and beyond? Apply for the Shanghai Landing Pad!澳大利亚创客基地是基于澳大利亚国家创新科学计划,由澳大利亚贸易投资委员会负责在全球五大创新中心——硅谷、特拉维夫、上海、新加坡和柏林设立的,为准备好进入市场的澳大利亚创业者们提供业务登陆和发展支持的关键平台。在中国,上海以其“具有全球影响力的科技创新中心”的定位及完善的金融和创业要素体系,成为五大基地之一,为创业者进入中国这一特色鲜明、高速发展的巨大市场提供绝佳的支持。同时,上海市场本身也将成为检验澳大利亚创业者产品和服务能否适应中国市场的试验场。 The Landing Pads program is an initiative of Australia’s National Innovation and Science Agenda, developed to drive innovation and entrepreneurship in Australia. The Landing Pads are established by Austrade in 5 global innovation and startup hubs: San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Singapore, Berlin, and Shanghai. Recognised as an international centre for technology, innovation, finance and entrepreneurship, Shanghai stands out with its sophisticated financial services and innovation ecosystem. As a tech-savvy, international city with a strong customer base, Shanghai is an ideal gateway to China’s unique, sizeable and dynamic market.澳大利亚创客基地位于以桥接本地和国际创业社群见长的XNode创极无限静安空间,为入选创业者提供90天的入驻式服务。XNode将提供包含导引、研讨、导师等在内的加速服务,而澳贸委的创客登陆计划总监将量身定制服务计划,密切辅导入选创业者,并帮助其对接澳贸委深入全国并联结全球五大创客基地的广阔商业网络。 The Landing Pad in Shanghai provides a 90-day residency at XNode, in the heart of Shanghai, a fully serviced startup co-working space that bridges China and the world. XNode offers an “Xelerator” program including orientation, industry workshops, and dedicated 1-on-1 mentorship, plus access to their vibrant international community. Austrade’s Landing Pad Manager will provide ongoing coaching and tailored assistance to allow startups to tap into Austrade’s business and investor networks to help startups meet potential customers, investors and strategic partners in China and across the Landing Pad network. 首批申请将于近期截止。请点击“阅读原文”提交入驻申请。如需进一步咨询,请发送电邮至[email protected]与创客登陆计划总监詹杭取得联系。 To apply to the Shanghai Landing Pad, click “Read More” or contact Landing Pad Manager, Daniel Zhan at <[email protected]> to learn more. First round applications close soon! www.australiaunlimited.com/landing-pads