崇德尚礼 共祭先师 —— 记加拿达外国语学校2016年祭孔典礼

2016年09月30日 加拿大国际教育集团


2016 Confucius Memorial Ceremony at CLS-A


On September 26th, in order to develop and strengthen the teacher/student bond and to cultivate students’ sense of etiquette, CLS-A held a grand ceremony to honor Confucius. All the teachers, students and parents attended the ceremony wearing clothes from Han Dynasty.



As the clock marked 8:20, the ceremony began with three beats of the drum. Our principal Sophie and two teachers came to the stage to offer some flowers to Confucius and wished all of our students a lot of success in their studies. Afterwards, the parents and the students offered apples and oranges to Confucius and wished for the students’ safety.


Next, Sophie led all of the teachers and some parents to read their speeches. Lastly, students spoke out their pledges together.


This ceremony reminded us the value of Chinese traditional culture and etiquette. From this etiquette, we wish to build a harmonious campus and society.

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