川普在17秒内重复了12个‘win’,这重复率简直‘太美丽’众所周知,川普大叔的回答完全没有章法,想到什么说什么。连一个topic sentence都没有。Trump: You look at what China is doing to our country in terms of making our product.They are devaluing their currency and there's nobody in our government to fight them and we have a very good fight and we have a winning fight because they are using our country as a piggy bank to rebuild China and many other countries are doing the same thing. So we're losing our good jobs, so many of them.川普:看看中国在制造业方面对我们都做了些什么吧。他们让货币贬值,但我们的政府里没人去和他们反抗。我们要抗争,我们也必须要赢,因为中国人对待我们就像对待他们的储蓄罐一样,把钱掏走去重建他们的国家,很多别的国家也正在做类似的事情。所以我们有很多人都失业了,大好的工作啊
接下来…. 神奇的事情发生了。川普表达了对中国机场的羡慕之情!!!
Trump: Our airports are like from a third world country. You land at Laguardia, Newark, L.A.X., and you come in from dubai and Qatar, you come in from China, you see these incredible airports, we've become a third-world country.
特朗普:我们的机场就像是第三世界国家的一样。如果你降落到拉瓜迪亚机场,纽瓦克机场,或者洛杉矶机场,你再想想你出发的那些迪拜的机场,卡塔尔的机场,中国的机场。看看人家那些漂亮的机场,再看看我们的,我们的机场反而更像是第三世界国家的这前后反差也太大大大大大了吧 no zuo no die why you try!!!
这个时候,希拉里的一句话,让川普收声 ——“还不是因为你不交税”(川普一直都不愿意将他的交税记录公之于众)漂亮的一击!!!希拉里用了linking words来make logic arguments为什么川普不交税,妥妥的高分啊主持人问川普为什么他的看法跟希拉里不同时,川普的论点是:I have better judgment, I also have a much better temperament than she does, you know? I have a much better. I think I have I know …you know 。。。(小雅哥听得也好尴尬 -_-!)我有更好的判断,我性格也比她好,你知道吗?好多了。Excuse me,这个回答真的是在回答问题嘛???难道主持人只是想知道你的性格?其次,连续3个I have… 这是English native speaker说出来的句子么?我们中国考6分的学生也能说出比这个好的句子啊。在task response方面,川普最多也就是个6。addresses all parts of the taskalthough some parts may be more fully covered than others。小雅哥认为给个5也不为过啊。
最后一个问题:只有一个人会赢得大选,输了是否能接受?I support our democracy (中心句). And sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. But I certainly will support the outcome of this election (支持论点). It's not about us so much as it is about you and your families and the kind of country and future you want. (给出原因)我支持民主,输赢有时,但我会支持选举结果。选举不是关于我们俩,而且关于你们和你们的家庭以及我们国家的未来。
I want to make America great again. The other day we were deporting 800 people. Perhaps they pressed the wrong button, or perhaps worse than that, it was corruption. These people we were going to deport ended up becoming citizens. End the up becoming citizens, and it's 800, and now it turns out, it might be 1800, and they don't even know. (@#¥%……&*,完全get不到他到底想讲什么)我想让美国再次伟大起来+跑题500字(大意是想遣返非法移民)。这次辩论结束后,连和川普统一党派的共和党的大佬们也纷纷表示这次辩论川普妥妥的输了。而希拉里的逻辑清晰,分析和解答问题到位,雅思9分对于她来说就是小case。