
2016年10月02日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

2016930日,长春市实验中学加拿大高中国际部2016级新生迎来了属于他们的开学典礼。下午三点,国际部一楼报告厅座无虚席。长春市实验中学苏书记,张于主任,国际部主任May, 加方校长Chad以及国际部所有外教和中方教师,还有全体高一新生及家长悉数出席此次典礼。


下午三点钟,四位主持人身着国际部正装校服,精神抖擞,信心满满地走上舞台,宣布典礼开始并介绍到场嘉宾。典礼第一项是播放毕业生寄语,这几位毕业生是刚刚从国际部走出去的学生们,他们向高一新生介绍大学的生活并传授在国际部学习的经验。在场的老师,学生及家长们都很认真细致地听着他们的讲解。典礼第二项,加方校长Chad上台致辞,Nico老师翻译。Chad校长对高一新生这一个多月的表现大加赞赏并对他们加以鼓励。典礼第三项外教Len带领所有高一新生为老师家长们献上英文歌曲。整齐的队形,嘹亮的歌声嗨翻了全场,让老师及家长朋友们感受到了英文歌曲的魅力。典礼第四项学生家长代表上台讲话,学生翻译。家长的讲话内容中无不流露出看着孩子成长的喜悦与激动。学生流利的英文翻译也体现出他这一段时间他语言学习的进步。典礼第五项学生代表RinaDonte讲话。本学期国际部迎来第一位外籍学生Donte, 他在讲话中描述着自己在国际部的成长和进步,相信他未来在中国的生活一定会十分美好。另一位学生代表Rina除了翻译外籍学生的讲话之外,也表达了自己在国际部这短短的时间内的提升。典礼第六项,教师代表Selene讲话。Selene作为高一年级的年级组长及10年级B班班主任,她无时无刻不陪伴在学生的左右,关心学生的学习及生活。她在演讲中向家长们展示国际部的外方团队及学生们课程的构成,同时还表彰了暑期作业完成优秀的同学,对学生们进行鼓励和督促。典礼最后一项,国际部主任May做总结性发言。May倡导的国际部教育理念是以国际化视野培养国际化人才,目的是培养孩子在世界任何一个角落都能生存的能力。她在发言中向学生及家长传递着自己的教育理念,对学生们给予更高的希望,同时也表达出对家长信任国际部,相信国际部教师的感谢之情。最后全体老师,学生及家长合影留念。


The Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of ChangchunExperimental High School Sino-Canadian High School International Division G10was held on Sep. 30th, 2016. Secretary sue, Director Zhang, DirectorMay, Principle Chad, all the foreign teachers and Chinese stuff all attendedthis ceremony at 3:00 p.m.

The video showed the activities from thefirst day of the school to track meeting. When parents saw this, they mightfeel the growth of their children during this month.

Four hosts announced the starting of thisceremony and introduced the guests. Firstly, it showed the videos of thegraduates. They described their new lives and told G10 some learningexperiences. All the students and parents listened carefully. Secondly,Principle Chad delivered a speech. He praised all the kids and encouraged themto work hard. Thirdly, Len played guitar and all the students sang two songsfor their parents. All the people enjoyed their songs. Fourthly, therepresentative of students’ parents gave a speech. She showed her gratitude toschool for her son’s growth. Fifthly, the representatives of the students Donteand Rina gave a speech respectively. They all described their happy lives here.Then, Selene as the representative of the teachers delivered a speech to showour foreign teachers and awarded the students who did well for their summervacation homework to encourage them. Director May gave a speech after Selene toconclude this opening ceremony. She conveyed her educational idea and wishedall the students could make more accomplishments. At last, all the people tookphotos together.

The Opening Ceremony means a new start forG10. Please make a dream and go for it.



Chad 致辞,Nico翻译




学生代表Donte, Rina讲话






Gail 整理编辑

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