
2016年09月27日 启德加拿大

加拿大移民快速通道(Express Entry) 最新第43轮(9月21日,2016)








1. The Spawning Grounds, by Gail Anderson-Dargat

The Canadian novelist writes what's sure to be classic literature about a British Columbia river that bridges - and divides - Aboriginal and white culture.

2. Wonder Women, by Sam Maggs

Noor Inayat Khan. Maria Sibylla Merian. Huang Daopo. These are incredible, pioneering women that aren't written about in the history books. Sam Maggs (with fun illustrations by Sophia Foster-Dimino) details the lives and achievements of these fascinating almost-forgotten women of history.

3. The Couple Next Door, by Shari Lapena

Everything about the Conto family seems perfect, including their beautiful baby, until a terrible crime is permitted and suspicion falls straight on the parents. What secrets are they hiding? And how well do we really know our neighbours, and our spouses?

4. In My Humble Opinion: My So-Called Life, by Soraya Roberts

Without Angela Chase, there would be no Buffy, Felicity, Rory Gilmore or Veronica Mars. In In My Humble Opinion, Canadian journalist Soraya Roberts analyzes how the TV series "My So Called Life" contributed to the representation of women on television, body image, class, sexuality and pop culture.

5. Today Will Be Different, by Maria Semple

The author of bestseller "Where’d You Go, Bernadette" is back with another delightful read, following a day in the life of cartoonist Eleanor Flood and the adventures (both big and small) that she encounters.

6. The Ballroom, by Anna Hope

In an ornate ballroom at the centure of the Sharston Asylum, male and female patients are allowed to gather every Friday evening to dance. It is here where Ella, a defiant factory worker who knows she's not mad, and John, a father lost in grief over the death of his child, come together and begin a secret correspondence that could have grave consequences.

7. Secret Life: The Jian Ghomeshi Investigation, by Kevin Donovan

Journalist Kevin Donovan takes us behind the scenes into the Toronto Star's investigation into the serious allegations against former "Q" host, Jian Ghomeshi.

8. By Gaslight, by Steven Price

Who is Edward Shade? And where is he? Compelling characters come together in late 19th-century London to get rid of their ghosts and confront their grief in a man-hunt for a notorious thief.

9. The Lesser Bohemians, by Eimear McBride

A young Irish girl arrives in London to study theatre and meets an on older, well-known man. They quickly form an intense romance but she eventually realizes that her new lover is struggling with the demons of his past. Soon, both of them are forced to face the darkness in their lives.

10. News From The Red Desert, by Kevin Patterson

Deirdre O'Malley, a war correspondent embedded in the Canadian infantry, comes to care for the soldiers she covers but the loyalty she used to feel for a new general, a former flame of hers, wavers as his torture tactics become known.

11. The Wonder, by Emma Donoghue

An Irish village is mystified by what they're calling a miracle: a little girl, Anna, appears to be thriving despite being on a fast for months. However, we soon discover that Anna might actually be the victim of a murder in slow motion.

12. Nutshell, by Ian McEwan

Ian McEwan creates an unlikely narrator, a nearly nine-month-old fetus, who overhears not only an affair but the planning of a murder.

13. Love Warrior, by Glennon Doyle Melton

The newly-minted Oprah's Book Club pick details the popular blogger's journey after her marriage implodes.

14. Wenjack, by Joseph Boyden

The author of "The Orenda" tells the story of the last moments of Ojibwe boy Charlie Wenjack, who runs away from his residential school, trying to find his way home.

15. The One Hundred Nights of Hero, by Isabel Greenberg

Inspired by The Arabian Nights, this graphic novel tells the tale of Cherry, who is in love with her maid, Hero. Unfortunately, Cherry is married to Jerome, who makes wager with his friend Manfred: if Manfred can seduce Cherry in one hundred nights, he can have his castle--and Cherry. Hero and Cherry hatch a plan: Hero will distract Manfred by telling him stories each night for 100 nights, keeping him at bay.

16. Born to Run, by Bruce Springsteen

The rocker spent the past seven years writing about his life, from growing up Catholic in New Jersey and his early days as a bar band king to his performance at the 2009 Super Bowl Halftime show.

17. The Underground Railroad, by Colson Whitehead

Cora attempts to escape her life as a slave on a cotton plantation by using the Underground Railroad. But things don't go as planned.

18. Canada, by Mike Myers

The actor writes about his 53-year love affair with his home country.

19. The Wangs vs. the World, by Jade Chang

Charles Wang, an immigrant businessman, built a cosmetics empire and made a fortune. Then he lost it all. Now he wants to take his kids back to China to reclaim his glory.

20. Here I Am, by Jonathan Safran Foer

What does "home" really mean? The author makes us ask this question as it follows a crumbling marriage, an earthquake and an invasion.

21. Lady Cop Makes Trouble, by Amy Stewart

Constance Kopp, one of the nation's first deputy sheriffs, is on the loose in New York City - tracking down victims, following leads and making friends at a hotel for women. The Kopp sisters are back and better than ever!

22. Swing Time, by Zadie Smith

The prize-winning "White Teeth" author is back with a new novel that takes readers from London to West Africa. Two brown girls - best friends - dream of being dancers, but only one of them has the talent. Their friendship ends, but it's never forgotten.

23. Commonwealth, by Ann Patchett

A chance encounter changes the lives of two families — its effects felt for the next five decades.

这些书中有些涉及到了加拿大本土的社会、历史、经济,是适应这边学习生活很好的材料。这边中学课上老师布置的很多短篇小说也是出自于本土作家,所以强烈建议大家看完这些介绍,挑选一些自己喜欢的,开始阅读。去书店买书时,也会看见新书的旁边有editor's pick, 或是店员自己读完后的简短推荐。大家也可以根据这些推荐买到最感兴趣的书籍。

(转自Huffington Post)




















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