Monday, September 26, 15:00 EducationUSA Advising Session

对留学美国感兴趣吗?想要了解更多关于申请流程、学校选择、专业选择方面的信息吗?上海美国中心将在9月26日下午三点到四点半举行一场 EducationUSA 教育资源介绍&咨询会。现场你可以读到最新的美国教育、留学类图书资源,提出你关于美国留学的疑问,以及了解到信息资源中心(IRC)的其他学习资源。Interested in studying in the U.S.? Want to learn more about the application process, different school options and majors? On September 26 from 15:00 to 16:30, the Shanghai American Center will host an EducationUSA advising session to help you explore U.S. study abroad options. During this time, you can read the latest books and resources on U.S. education opportunities and ask our official EducationUSA Advisor for tips on studying in the U.S.The event will be in Chinese.
Tuesday, September 27, 18:30 The First Presidential Debate: America’sDirection, Achieving Prosperity, Securing America

11月8日是美国大选日,选民们这一天将前往投票站,选出美国下一任总统和国会代表。美国的选举制度可以说是相当复杂,涉及来自 50个州与特区的背景各异的选民,大家共同投票来决定国家的未来。本届美国总统选举从一开始就充满了意外、精彩不断,也诞生了两位相当特别的总统候选人。
Americans across the United States will head to the polls on November 8 to vote for the country’s next President and many Congressional representatives. Elections in the U.S. are complex, involving millions of citizens from varying backgrounds and 50 different states and municipalities casting their votes for the future of the nation. The 2016 United States Presidential Election has been unpredictable and fascinating, producing two of the most unique candidates in American history.9月26日,前国务卿、民主党总统竞选人希拉里克林顿和商界大亨、共和党总统竞选人唐纳德·特朗普将第一次在辩论台上直接相遇,就美国以及全世界面对的一些议题进行辩论。总统选举辩论委员会日前公布了首场总统辩论的主题:美国的方向、经济繁荣以及美国的安全问题。在上海美国中心组织的这场活动里,一位来自领馆的美国外交官会和大家一起观看首场辩论中的亮点,并就辩论制度的重要性以及期间提到的相关主题进行评论。On September 26 in New York, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and businessman Donald Trump will share the stage for the first time to debate a range of issues facing the United States and the world. The Commission on Presidential Debates announced the topics for the first presidential debate as: America's Direction, Achieving Prosperity and Securing America. Please join us at the Shanghai American Center as a diplomat from the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai presents highlights from the debate along with commentary on the significance of the debate and the issues in contention.This event will be conducted in English with no interpretation.Wednesday, September 28, 18:30 Hispanic American Panel Discussion

拉美裔是美国最大的少数族裔——目前人口超过5,400万,并预计在2060年将达到1.288亿——这将占美国人口的三分之一。从9月15日到10月15日是全美拉美裔传统月(National Hispanic Heritage Month),旨在彰显美国拉美裔的文化、传统和非凡贡献。拉美裔的祖先来自于西班牙、墨西哥,以及中美洲、南美洲和加勒比地区的西班牙语系国家。为庆祝拉美裔传统月,上海美国中心请来三位拉美裔的美国外交官,来和大家分享他们各自的经历,并回答大家的提问。
Hispanics are the largest minority group in the U.S. — 54 million strong today and a projected 128.8 million by 2060 — a figure that would represent nearly 1 in 3 Americans. National Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15–October 15, honors the culture, traditions and extraordinary contributions of Americans who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Shanghai American Center is hosting a panel discussion with three Hispanic-American diplomats who will talk about their American experience and take questions from the audience.This event will be conducted in English with no interpretation.Thursday, September 29, 18:30 [Movie Night at the ShAC] Selena

拉美裔是美国最大的少数族裔——目前人口超过5,400万,并预计在2060年将达到1.288亿——这将占美国人口的三分之一。从9月15日到10月15日是全美拉美裔传统月(National Hispanic Heritage Month),旨在彰显美国拉美裔的文化、传统和非凡贡献。拉美裔的祖先来自于西班牙、墨西哥,以及中美洲、南美洲和加勒比地区的西班牙语系国家。
Hispanics are the largest minority group in the U.S. — 54 million strong today and a projected 128.8 million by 2060 — a figure that would represent nearly 1 in 3 Americans. National Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15–October 15, honors the culture, traditions and extraordinary contributions of Americans who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean.为庆祝拉美裔传统月,上海美国中心将放映1997年出品的传记片《塞琳娜》(Selena),故事由真实事件改编,讲述了由詹妮弗·洛佩兹饰演的拉丁歌手塞琳娜从草根艺人成长为最炙手可热的拉丁艺人的经历。影片开始前,将由两位拉美裔的美国外交官和大家一起探讨塞琳娜留下的精神遗产以及她的经历对于年轻女性的意义。In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Shanghai American Center is screening the 1997 biographical drama Selena. Selena tells the true story of Selena Quintanilla-Perez (Jennifer Lopez), a Texas-born Tejano singer who rose from cult status to performing at the Astrodome, as well as having chart topping albums on the Latin music charts. Before the film starts, two Hispanic-American diplomats will briefly talk about Selena's legacy and what she meant to them as young women.This movie is 128 minutes long and is in English with English subtitles.
上海美国中心(ShanghaiAmerican Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。
地址: 上海市南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室