
2016年09月30日 加拿大国际教育集团



秋风送爽,孩子们也都开学啦!9月15日,正值中秋小长假,深圳会展中心八号馆内一片欢乐的气氛。加拿大国际少儿英语携手集团旗下品牌精心策划的“外教带娃high翻天”系列主题活动闪亮登场,为参加第二届娃出没亲子嘉年华的萌娃们献上一场欢乐大派对 。


When the golden September arrived and cooled the hot summer sun, all children are busy preparing for their new semester. On September 15th , also the Chinese Mid-Autumn festival, CIEO carried its sub-brands, made a brilliant appearance in the 2nd “Baby happy time” Parent and Child Carnival, which is held in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. The carnival this year assembles many well-known brands ranging from hundreds of early education institutions from both Shenzhen and HongKong, to several joint title sponsors, including the McDonald's. Be served with all kinds of delicate food and cleverly-designed programs, all children and their parents really turned the exhibition center into an ocean of laughter and joy. 


In No. 8 hall, CIEO has prepared a themed party for all the children. Foreign teachers from CIEO have shown their skills those are hardly seen from an English class. “Cute baby sandwiches”, “Superhero Mask painting ”, “Foreign teacher’s handmade mooncake”, all these compelling programs comes one after another, and made No. 8 hall a top hit among all. The children are deeply attracted that they would wait for hours in a queue to PK with a foreign teacher.


While they made sandwiches and mooncakes, the children were also engaged in communicating with foreign teachers in English, they were amused by each other and bursted into laughters once in a while. For those little artists who participated the masking painting program, they were so creative and their work will even make an adult envy. 


These activities and programs orgranized by CIEO offered the children an opportunity to learn from playing or having fun, to feel the charm of the language. All the kids involved are left with a deep impression, and their parents, as well. At the end of the carnival, the partents are eager to know more about the curriculum and teaching philosophy of CIEO. And they have shown great enthusiasm to enroll their children in a demo class of CIEO, even they are already informed the chances are quite limited. 


The curtain of carnival descends after two days. With all reluctance, the children and their parents have to wave goodbye to all CIEO teachers, and they promised to meet again soon in CIEO schools. 

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