Hiring a lawyer for a parking ticket appeal is not only aheadache — it can also cost more than the ticket itself. Depending on the case and the lawyer, an appeal (a legal process where you argue out of paying the fine) can cost between $400 to$900. But with the help of a bot made by British programmer JoshuaBrowder, 19, it costs nothing. Browder's bot handles questions about parking ticket appeals in the UK. Since launching in late 2015, it hassuccessfully appealed $3million worth of tickets.
Joshua Browder is helping people save a lot of money on legal fees with his latest project. The 19-year-old developed a free service that allows users to ask any kind of legal question and receive relevant answers autogenerated by bots.
Browder first started the project last summer as a free website to help people appeal unfair parking tickets. He came up with the idea after getting a series of tickets himself for "trivial reasons".
Having wasted several hours on writing appeals to these tickets, he realised that many people do not have the time,legal knowledge or even the energy to appeal. So he decided to create an automatic appeal generator, using previously successful letters as a template. He aptly named the service DoNotPay, giventhat the legal fees involved in challenging tickets could mount up to sizable amounts between $400 to $900.
DoNotPay was a huge success, and the tech genius has now gone a step further with the website, converting it into a full fledged robo lawyer equipped to help with a range of legal issues.
Joshua Browder's robot can help answer questions about parking tickets.To use the service, users need to go to the website donotpay.co.uk and sign up for free.Once you sign in, a chat screen popsup. To learn about your case, the bot asks questions like, "Were yout he one driving?" and "Was it hard to understand the parking signs?" It then spits out an appeal letter, which you mail to the court. If the robot is completely confused, it tells you how to contact Browder directly.
Beyond parking tickets, Browder's bot can also help with delayed or cancel led flights and payment-protection insurance (PPI)claims. It can also answer some general legal questions like ‘I can't afford my ticket. What do I do?’ Although the bot can only help file claims on simple legal issues — it can't physically argue a case in front of a judge — it can save users a lot of money.
Although Browder programmed the bot according to UK law, he says it can be helpful in the US too. For example, if a flight is delayed from New York City to London, the ticket holder can use the robot to claim compensation. Browder is working to program US city laws into the bot, starting with NYC.
"If it is one day possible for any citizen to get the same standard of legal representation as a billionaire, "Browder says,"how can that not be a good thing?"