这个职位是毕马威在奥克兰的办公室招Senior Auditor和AssistantManager。四大的一个优点就是它的职业发展和晋升轨道是非常清晰和透明的。从刚入职的小朋友做Junior Staff,然后就是Senior,Manager, Senior Manager, Director最后到Partner。所以可以说是刚入职,你就知道未来10-20年你的发展方向,这对于大部分人来说还是非常有吸引力的,所以非常适合境内或境外的小伙伴申请。可以出工签啊。
Key Accountabilities:
· Prepare individually, under supervision, or assist moreseniorstaff in the preparation of a range of audit assignments, e.g.statutoryaudits, internal audits, special purpose and other non statutoryaudits. Inparticular:
- contribute to planning
- identify business and audit risks
- assess effectiveness of client processes and controls
- determine audit objectives
- obtain relevant audit evidence
- research, review and summarise pertinent information related to eachaudittask/area of work/assignment
- summarise approach, work undertaken and conclusions
- plan, prepare, review and complete specific sections and/or all sections ofanaudit
· Applying an awareness and understanding of the generalbusinessand economic environments in undertaking client assignments;
· Client management and relationship development;
· Providing assistance to managers with staff supervisionandon-the-job coaching.
To succeed in this challenging yet rewarding position, you will:
· Have ideally around 3-5 years’ experience working withinaChartered Accounting environment;
· Hold an undergraduate degree in relevant subjects e.g.accountingor finance;
· Be CA qualified or working towards this;
· Be professional and articulate with superiorcommunicationskills;
· Have strong organisational and time management skills;
· Have a strong client focus and work ethic.