1. Canoverseas investors buy property in the UK?
There areno restrictions on overseas owners buying or owning property in the UK. The purchaseprocedure is exactly the same whether you are British or from another countryand whether you live in the UK or outside it.
2. Whatis leaseholdand what is ground rent ?
In the UKallapartments are owned as leasehold properties. That means that the personwhoowns the land on which the apartments are built grants each of the ownersalong lease so that apartment can be on that land for that period. Thestandardlease length is anything from 125 to 999 years. In return for theapartmentbeing on that land for that time, the apartment owner has to pay aground rentevery year to the land owner. This payment is called the groundrent.Providing the ground rent is paid every year the apartmentowner continues toown the apartment. For St David’s developments this meansthey own theapartments for 999 years.
3. Do Ihave to payany tax in the UK and who will organise this for me?
This isset out inour individual development brochures. Chinese nationals living inChina andMalaysians living in Malaysia for example, may claim a personalallowance of£10,000 p.a. meaning income generated below this level in the UK istax free.However the purchaser will be required to register with HMRC (the UKtaxauthority ) and may be required to submit annual tax returns irrespectiveofwhether any tax is due. We will help purchasers complete therequireddocumentation at no cost to them.
这部分内容在我们的个别房产开发手册中有涉及。比方说,在中国境内居住的中国人和在马来西亚境内居住的马来西亚人,可以申请每年度£10,000 的个人税收津贴。就是说收入未超过此水平的视为免税。但是,买家需要在HMRC (英国税务机关) 注册登记,可能被要求提交年度纳税申报单,无论是否为应付的税款。St David 将无偿帮助买家准备所需的文件。
4. Whathappens if the completion of an ‘off plan’ building is delayed?
Everycontract tobuy a property from St David has a long stop date. This is the dateby whichthe building must be completed and the property transferred to the newowner.In the highly unlikely event the building is not ready by this date,thepurchaser may withdraw and receive all his funds back, or may elect tocontinuewith the purchase, in which case rental payments under the masterTenancy willcommence on the long stop date.
4. 如果预售形式的房产完工日期延后了怎么办?
每一个从 St David 购买房产的合约都有一个为期较长的终止日。此日起为房产竣工日和将房产转移给新所有者的日期。如果一旦房产在此日期前没有竣工,买家可以撤回资金或者可以选择继续此交易,无论哪种情况,买家都会收到自终止日起的租金赔偿。
Thecontentsof this brochure have been prepared for general information purposesonly. StDavid, its directors, officers and employees may not be held liablefor anyomissions or errors herein. Investors should refer to the formalpurchasedocuments as provided by their solicitor when purchasing a property.