
2015年03月26日 留学新西兰


除了参考以下列表外,申请人还可以通过查询ANZSCO - SOL来确认自己的工作是否需注册,必需注册职业ANZSCO中会出现’Registration or licensing is required‘或者‘Registration or licensing may be required‘字样。

* 建筑师 Architect

* 出庭律师 Barrister

* 大律师或律师 Barrister or solicitor

* 电缆工 Cable jointer

* 脊椎指压治疗者 Chiropractor

* 临床牙科技术员 Clinical dental technician

* 牙科治疗师 Clinical dental therapist

* 牙科保健师 Dental hygienist

* 牙科技术员 Dental technician

* 牙科治疗师 Dental therapist

* 牙科医生 Dentist

* 营养师 Dietitian

* 眼镜配制技师 Dispensing optician

* 汽车电工 Electrician

* 电器设备维护员 Electrical appliance serviceperson

* 电气工程师 Electrical engineer

* 电气巡查员 Electrical inspector

* 电气安装员 Electrical installer

* 电气维修技师 Electrical service technician

* 金融顾问 Financial adviser

* 移民顾问 Immigration adviser

* 线路机修工 Line mechanic

* 医学实验室的科学家/技术人员 Medical laboratory scientist/technologist

* 医务化验员 Medical laboratory technician

* 医生 Medical practitioner

* 医疗放射技师 Medical radiation technologist

* 护士和助产士 Nurses and midwives

* 职业治疗师 Occupational therapist

* 验光师 Optometrist

* 整骨疗法家 Osteopath

* 药剂师 Pharmacist

* 物理治疗师 Physiotherapist

* 管工,煤气工和渠工 Plumber, gasfitter and drainlayer

* 足科医生 Podiatrist

* 心理学家 Psychologist

* 房地产代理 Real estate agent

* 土地(土地产权)测量师 Cadastral (Land Title) Surveyor

* 教师 Teacher

* 兽医 Veterinarian

会计师 Accountants
注册机构新西兰特许会计师协会 New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZRAB)
联系电话+64 4 474 7840
传真号码+64 4 474 7840
联系地址PO Box 11 342, Wellington, New Zealand

建筑师 Architects
注册机构新西兰建筑师注册局 New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB)
联系电话64 4 471 1336
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 11106, Manners Street, Wellington 6142, New Zealand

大律师和律师 Barristers and solicitors
注册机构新西兰律师协会 New Zealand Law Society
联系电话64 4 472 7837
传真号码64 4 473 7909
联系地址PO Box 5041, Wellington

脊椎按摩师(脊医) Chiropractors
注册机构新西兰脊医协会 Chiropractic Board NZ
联系电话64 4 499 7979
传真号码64 4 474 0709
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10-140, Wellington

临床心理学家,教育心理学家 Clinical psychologists,Educational psychologists
注册机构新西兰心理学会 NZ Psychologists Board
联系电话64 4 471 4580
传真号码64 4 471 4581
联系地址PO Box 10 626, Wellington

牙科-(牙医,牙科治疗师, 牙科保健师,牙科技术员) Dentists,Dental therapists, Dental hygienists, Dental technicians
注册机构新西兰牙科委员会 Dental Council of New Zealand(DCNZ)
联系电话64 4 499 4820
传真号码64 4 499 1668
联系地址PO Box 10-448, Wellington

营养师 Dietitians
注册机构新西兰营养师协会 New Zealand Dietitians Board
联系电话64 4 474 0746
传真号码64 4 474 0709
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10-140, Wellington

电气-(电工,电气服务技工, 线工, 电工牌照组) Electricians,Electrical service technicians,Line mechanics,Electrical Workers Licensing Group
注册机构新西兰电工注册局 Electrical Workers Registration Board (EWRB)
联系电话64 4 472 3636(NZ Freephone: 0800 661 000)
传真号码64 4 473 2395
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10 156, Wellington

专业工程师 Engineers
注册机构新西兰专业工程师协会 The Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)
联系电话64 4 473 9444
传真号码64 4 474 8933
联系地址PO Box 12 241, Wellington

医疗化验-(化验,科学家,技术人员,注册经理) Medical laboratory, scientists, Medical laboratory, technicians, Registrations Manager
注册机构新西兰医学实验室科学委员会 Medical Laboratory Science Board(MLSB)
联系电话64 4 801 6250
传真号码64 4 381 0270
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 7242, Wellington South

医疗-(放射,技术人员,注册经理) Medical radiation, technologists, Registrations Manager
注册机构新西兰医学放射技师委员会 Medical Radiation Technologists Board(MRTB)
联系电话64 4 801 6250 Extension 6
传真号码64 4 381 0270
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 7242, Wellington South

医生 Medical practitioners
注册机构新西兰医学协会 Medical Council of New Zealand(MCNZ)
联系电话64 4 384 7635 (Free Phone: 0800 286 801)
传真号码64 4 385 8902
联系地址PO Box 11 649, Wellington

助产士 Midwives
注册机构新西兰助产士协会 Midwifery Council of New Zealand
联系电话64 4 499 5040
传真号码64 4 499 5045
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 24448, Manners Street, Wellington

护士 Nurses
注册机构新西兰护士局 Nursing Council of New Zealand(NCNZ)
联系电话64 4 385 9589
传真号码64 4 801 8502
联系地址PO Box 9644, Wellington

职业冶疗师 Occupational therapists
注册机构新西兰职业治疗师协会 Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand
联系电话64 4 918 4740
传真号码64 4 918 4746
电子邮件[email protected](enquiries and information)
联系地址PO Box 10 202, The Terrace, Wellington

视力-(验光师, 配镜) Optometrists,Dispensing opticians
注册机构新西兰验光师与配镜师协会 New Zealand Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board(ODOB)
联系电话64 4 474 0705
传真号码64 4 474 0709
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10 140, Wellington

整骨 Osteopaths
注册机构新西兰整骨协会 Osteopathic Council of NZ(OCNZ)
联系电话+64 4 474 0747
传真号码+64 4 474 0709
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10-140, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

药剂师 Pharmacists
注册机构新西兰药剂师协会 Pharmacy Council of New Zealand(PCNZ)
联系电话64 4 495 0330
传真号码64 4 495 0331
联系地址PO Box 25 137, Wellington

物理冶疗师 Physiotherapists
注册机构新西兰物理治疗师协会 The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand
联系电话64 4 471 2610
传真号码64 4 471 2613
电子邮件[email protected] (registration enquiries)
联系地址PO Box 10 734, Wellington
管道-(管道工, 煤气工,下水道工) Plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers
注册机构新西兰管工、煤气工和下水道工技工局 Plumbers, Gasfitters & Drainlayers Board(PGDB)
联系电话64 4 494 2970
传真号码64 4 494 2975
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10 655, Wellington

足科医生 Podiatrists
注册机构新西兰足病诊疗师协会 Podiatrists Board of NZ
联系电话64 4 499 7979
传真号码64 4 474 0709
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10 140, Wellington

地产代理 Real estate
注册机构新西兰房产经纪人注册局 Real Estate Agents Licensing Board(REAA)
联系电话64 9 520 6949
传真号码64 9 520 6995
联系地址PO Box 99 881, Newmarket, Auckland

测量师 Surveyors
注册机构新西兰测量师协会 New Zealand Institute of Surveyors
联系电话64 4 471 1774
传真号码64 4 471 1907
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 831, Wellington
教师 Teachers
注册机构新西兰教师委员会 New Zealand Teachers Council
联系电话64 4 471 0852
传真号码64 4 471 0870
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 5326, Wellington

兽医 Veterinarians,Veterinary surgeons
注册机构新西兰兽医协会 Veterinary Council of New Zealand
联系电话64 4 473 9600
传真号码64 4 473 8869
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 10 563, Wellington

生命科学家 Life Scientists
注册机构澳新呼吸系统科学家协会 Australian and New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science Ltd (ANZSRS)
联系电话+61 3 9842 6372
传真号码+61 3 9873 1152
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址PO Box 1346, Mitcham North, Victoria 3132, Australia

心脏病技术员 Cardiac Technician
注册机构新西兰临床生理学家注册局 Clinical Physiologists Registration Board Inc
联系电话+ 64 9 307 4949 extn. 23312
电子邮件[email protected] / [email protected]
联系地址c/o Cardiac Physiology, Level 3, Auckland City Hospital, Private Bag 92024, Auckland, New Zealand.

社会工作者 Social Worker
注册机构社会工作者注册局 Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB)
联系电话+64 4 931 2650
传真号码+64 4 931 2651
电子邮件[email protected]
联系地址Social Workers Registration Board, Level 6, 11 Chews Lane, Wellington 6011, New Zealand.

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