[EducationUSA Lecture Tour] Applying to STEM Graduate Programs in the U.S.
时间:2017 年 11 月 7 日(周二)19:00
Time: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 19:00
地点:上海闵行区东川路 800 号上海交通大学陈瑞球楼 100 教室
Venue: Room 100, Chen RuiqiuBuilding, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang District,Shanghai
你对STEM类学科感兴趣吗(STEM是科学science、技术 technology、工程 engineering 和数学 mathematics四门学科的英文首字母缩写,即是中文理解的宽泛的理工类学科)?你有兴趣去美国念大学吗?欢迎参加由弗吉尼亚大学中国代表处和上海美领馆负责赴美留学相关工作的EducationUSA办公室共同举办的名为“如何申请美国理工类研究生”的主题讲座,讲座地点在上海交通大学闵行校区,主讲人是弗吉尼亚大学工程与应用科学学院执行副院长帕梅拉·诺里斯(Pamela Norris),也欢迎你在现场提出有关留学美国的问题。讲座会用英文进行。
Do you have an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,Math)? Are you interested in studying in the United States? Please join theUniversity of Virginia China Office and EducationUSA co-hosted event featuringMs. Pamela Norris, Executive Associate Dean for Research in the School ofEngineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia. Ms. Norris will give atalk entitled “Applying to STEM Graduate Programs in the United States” andfield questions from the audience during a Q&A session. The event will beconducted in English.
帕梅拉·诺里斯(Pamela Norris)是弗吉尼亚大学工程与应用科学学院执行副院长、机械与航空航天工程讲席教授。1992年她在佐治亚理工学院获得了机械工程博士学位,并在田长霖教授指导下完成了加州大学伯克利分校的博士后学习。1994年,她入职弗吉尼亚大学。在弗吉尼亚大学,她创建了纳米能量传递实验室和气凝胶研究实验室。如今,她是这两个领域世界领先专家。她经常主持和参加相关领域的国际会议,并发表了100多篇被大量引用的学术论文。她在气凝胶应用方面拥有多项专利,包括从生物武器检测、芯片上实验室到热绝缘领域,到喷气发动机喷焰偏转器的热管理技术。她主持和共同主持了超过45个研究项目。这些项目获得了美国国防部、美国国家科学基金委、工业界和其他基金会的资助,数额超过2500万美元。她通常每年都指导一些本科生毕业论文,目前已指导毕业了24位博士生和26名硕士研究生,以及很多研究助理。帕梅拉·诺里斯教授以她的教导技巧著称,她还致力于提高科学、技术、工程与数学领域女性数量,目前她是弗吉尼亚大学“国家科学基金委机构转型项目ADVANCE”主任。2016年,她荣获女性工程师协会颁发的杰出工程教育奖——“作为一名有天赋的教师、导师和模范,她长期为学生生活带来积极的影响,推动着科学、技术、工程和数学领域高等教育的多样性发展。”
About the Speaker
Pamela Norris is the Executive Associate Dean of Research in the Schoolof Engineering and Applied Science and the Frederick Tracy Morse Professor ofMechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Virginia. After receivingher PhD in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992and completing post-doctoral studies at UC Berkeley with Chang-Lin Tien, shejoined the faculty at UVA in 1994, where she founded both the Nanoscale EnergyTransfer Lab and the Aerogel Research Lab. Today, she is recognized globally asa leading expert in both research fields. She routinely chairs, and speaks at,international conferences on those subjects and has published over 100 heavilycited referred journal papers. She holds patents for applications of aerogelsin areas ranging from biological warfare detection, to lab-on-a-chip, tothermal insulation, along with patents for innovative thermal management techniquesfor jet-blast deflectors. She has served as the PI or Co-PI on over 45sponsored research projects representing well over $25M from DOD, NSF, Industryand Foundations. She typically supervises a few undergraduate theses each yearand has advised 24 doctoral students, 26 master’s degree students, and manyresearch assistants. Pam is well-known for her mentoring skills and for herdedication to increasing the representation and retention of women faculty inthe STEM disciplines, serving now as the Director of UVA’s NSF ADVANCEInstitutional Transformation program. In 2016 she was honored with the Societyof Women Engineers Distinguished Engineering Educator Award “for enduring,positive influence on students’ lives as a gifted teacher, mentor, and role model;and for promoting greater diversity in STEM higher education”.
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