The University of Westminster's collection of 900+ Chinese posters - all online and easily searchable http:// uk/zenphoto/ The British Museum collection of 350+ Mao badges - free online catalogue with lots of background info - Chairman Mao badges: symbols and slogans of the Cultural Revolution http://www. publications/research_ publications_series/2008/ chairman_mao_badges.aspx Mao badge website - arranged by theme, with short intros - created by Clint Twist, who has a private collection of Mao badges -
The Art of Influence: Asian Propaganda - exhibition catalogue by Mary Ginsberg, is currently available for only £5.00 online - it's a great book and an amazing price for a book of this quality. Since this book (2013), the author has worked on 2 books of revolutionary/propaganda posters from around the world - they're excellent too. http://www. region/asia/icat/asia#esp_cf= pdxtexhibition&esp_filter_ pdxtexhibition=Asian% 20propaganda NEW EXHIBITION OPENING AT BRITISH MUSEUM NEXT WEEK: "The Currency of Communism" - it's a small exhibition see The Guardian's intro: https://www. aug/14/british-museum- exhibition-communist- currencies-russian-revolution and the BM website http://www.britishmuseum. org/whats_on/exhibitions/the_ currency_of_communism.aspx