
2017年10月27日 Nicoleaccounting


本次会计工作面试深度调查对象,是Nicole Accounting 近期优秀学员,他们成功闯过英语面试这个拦路虎,斩获薪资优渥的西人企业会计工作



Nicole 点评


  1. 简历中每一条都准备了充足的例子,自信流利的回答问题---Well Preparation

    (充足准备,把每次面试当做一场战斗,You never prepare too much!)

  2. 自信,热情,保持微笑---Stay Positive

    (面试中流入出来的对工作的渴望和热情是毋庸置疑的加分项,Smile Always!)

              Maggie---Assistant Accountant            


Nicole 点评


    1. 穿插一些回答使雇主相信这份工作你完全有能力胜任---Know the Job Well!

(面试前一定要吃透所面试的工作职责,让展示的能力和工作相匹配, I am qualified!)


    2. 面试后发email去进一步沟通和表达感谢---Show Your Appreciation 

 (面试官也是人,有血有肉有情感,I want the job!)

                  向寒---Financial Officer                  


Nicole 点评


  1. 对于工作信息的整理,和申请进度的记录,全面了解自己申请工作的近况---Know the Situation Well!

    (一定要实时掌握申请的进度,和申请的信息,不要在面试官打电话给你的时候,你自己都不记得,Keep Clear Keep Cool)

  2. 积极主动的去跟踪已申请的工作,必要的email和电话问询能帮你打开求职之路

    (会计工作申请人数一般不会少,要让自己在其中脱颖而出,一定要保持主动,积极争取,Always Fighting)



1. How do you think your previous manager describe you/ how do your manager think about you?

2. Why did you leave your previous job?

3. What was your salary before?

4. How is your excel skills?

5. What are the most three things you value most?

6. What is your plan in five years?

7. What is your typical day?

8. Have you ever work with auditor?

9. Do you have any experience to service big client

Imagine, we have XXX to manage, what accounts will you record in your mind?

10. Can you record one accounting standard or policy of Australian or internationally that you really like it or really don't like it?

11. What is your opinion for Australian taxation law and have you ever down any work with tax?

12. What's your annual turnover in your previous company?

13. Do you think you are an independent person?

14. Do you think you can work under pressure?

15. Do you have experience in using SAP or Quickbook?

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