这个奖学金叫“#YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship”,目前已经有9所高校加入这个专为国际生设置的奖学金项目。
这个奖学金其实是社交媒体“#YouAreWelcomeHere ”活动的延伸,旨在鼓励国际生到美国留学,促进大学校园跨文化交流。
Temple University天普大学作为发起者,联合另外八所高校明确2019年秋季学期启动“#YouAreWelcomeHere”奖学金项目。参与学校承诺提供至少涵盖50%学费的可再生奖学金。
Concordia College (Minnesota)
Eastern Michigan University
James Madison University (Virginia)
University of Minnesota -Twin Cities
Purdue University Northwest (Indiana)
Seattle University
Shoreline Community College (Washington)
Temple University (Pennsylvania)
Western New England University (Massachusetts)
天普大学活动发言人 Jessica Sandberg表示,这项活动让美国高等教育与世界各地学生建立了新的友好桥梁,同时还号召更多机构、高校在预算范围内尽量参与进来。
NAFSA首席执行官Esther D. Brimmer说,在政府发表反移民言论后,院校一定要设法让国际学生在美国校园里感受到重视和欢迎。我们需要更多项目来鼓励国际学生选择美国;在国际教育上投资将确保我们的国家保持全球竞争力和参与性。
First-year international applicants of any major to a participating college or university. International applicants are individuals who hold citizenship in a country outside the U.S. and who don't also possess U.S. citizenship or permanent residency.
Graduation from or attendance at a secondary school outside the U.S.
Demonstrated interest and initiative in promoting intercultural learning and exchange.
Applicants who meet the admission criteria and adhere to the deadlines at each selected college or university. Details will vary from school to school.
Completion of a scholarship application and a 500-1000 word essay or a two-to-five minute video describing their aspirations to conduct projects, research, employment or other experiences that will advance intercultural learning.
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