#亚太裔传统月#来自亚利桑那州的美籍华裔Cecilia Mata于2005年创立AllSource全球管理公司,现已发展壮大成为AllSource Global,聘用了数百名员工,在五个州开展项目。2010年,创立仅五年的AGM就迎来一个丰收年,收入超过600万美元,员工增至500多人。公司创立之初,公司每个网点的员工还不到5人。如今,该公司已有近550名员工,分布于6个州的11个不同网点。
Cecilia Mata, a Chinese-American from Arizona, started AllSource GlobalManagement in 2005 and has grown AllSource Global to employ hundreds of workerswith projects in five states. In 2010, just five years after its founding, AGMhad a banner year. Revenues exceeded $6 million and employment grew to morethan 500 staff members. The company started with less than 5 employees in asingle location. Today, the company has nearly 550 employees at elevendifferent locations in 6 states.