我们之前讲过,今年的技术移民形势极为艰难。从去年7月份开始, 60分的独立技术移民(189)申请人就没有再获得邀请过。因此,我们一直在建议:
₋ 即将毕业的同学,在学生签证到期前可根据自身情况选择续一个学生签证去其他州走州担保技术移民(190)或者申请毕业生临时签证(485)在境内继续凑分;
₋ 短期内毕业生临时签证即将到期的同学,可根据自身情况续一个学生签证去其他州走州担保技术移民(190)或尽快在境内继续凑分;
₋ 毕业生临时签证还有一段时间才过期的同学,可抓紧时间报读NAATI、PY或者通过其他方式凑得更高分数,或者走州担保技术移民(190)
本轮Pro rata(按比例分配名额)专业邀请情况
2211 会计推进至2017年11月3号的80分申请人
2212 审计推进3天至2018年2月6号的80分申请人;
2334 电子工程推进3天至2017年12月6号的70分申请人;
2339 其他工程推进5天至2018年3月26号的75分申请人;
2611 ICT Business and System Analysts推进1天至2018年2月14号的75分申请人;
2613 Software and Applications Programmers推进3天至2018年3月16号的75分申请人;
2631 Computer Network Professionals推进15天至2018年4月12号的75分申请人。
想要顺利获得邀请,除去利好政策下的州担保,拿高分才是脱颖而出的王道,希望大家有条件的话还是继续努力以增加自身分数。目前主流的加分方式为:雅思四个7(10分)、雅思四个8(20分)、NAATI(5分)、PY职业年课程(5分)、配偶加分(5分)、1年澳洲工作经验(5分)。如果您需要任何加分方面的建议或者NAATI、 PY课程的相关信息,请随时联系我们。
Occupation ceilings for the 2017-18 program year
Occupation ID | Description | Occupation Ceiling Value 2017-18 | Invitations to 18/04/2018 |
1213 | Livestock Farmers | 4196 | 0 |
1331 | Construction Managers | 5400 | 41 |
1332 | Engineering Managers | 1155 | 14 |
1341 | Child Care Centre Managers | 1000 | 8 |
1342 | Health and Welfare Services Managers | 1374 | 10 |
2211 | Accountants | 4785 | 2678 |
2212 | Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers* | 1327 | 950 |
2241 | Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians | 1000 | 37 |
2245 | Land Economists and Valuers | 1000 | 14 |
2247 | Management consultant | 3285 | 19 |
2321 | Architects and Landscape Architects | 1474 | 114 |
2322 | Cartographers and Surveyors | 1000 | 28 |
2331 | Chemical and Materials Engineers | 1000 | 178 |
2332 | Civil Engineering Professionals | 3296 | 405 |
2333 | Electrical Engineers | 1042 | 205 |
2334 | Electronics Engineers* | 1000 | 472 |
2335 | Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers* | 2178 | 1113 |
2339 | Other Engineering Professionals* | 1000 | 606 |
2341 | Agricultural and Forestry Scientists | 1000 | 68 |
2346 | Medical Laboratory Scientists | 1487 | 50 |
2347 | Veterinarians | 1000 | 25 |
2349 | Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals | 1000 | 18 |
2411 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers | 2639 | 57 |
2414 | Secondary School Teachers | 7910 | 189 |
2415 | Special Education Teachers | 1000 | 7 |
2512 | Medical Imaging Professionals | 1113 | 26 |
2514 | Optometrists and Orthoptists | 1000 | 11 |
2519 | Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals | 1000 | 1 |
2521 | Chiropractors and Osteopaths | 1000 | 10 |
2524 | Occupational Therapists | 1109 | 28 |
2525 | Physiotherapists | 1464 | 44 |
2526 | Podiatrists | 1000 | 5 |
2527 | Speech Professionals and Audiologists | 1000 | 24 |
2531 | General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers | 3495 | 147 |
2533 | Internal Medicine Specialists | 1000 | 16 |
2534 | Psychiatrists | 1000 | 9 |
2535 | Surgeons | 1000 | 9 |
2539 | Other Medical Practitioners | 1000 | 255 |
2541 | Midwives | 1090 | 8 |
2544 | Registered Nurses | 16741 | 774 |
2611 | ICT Business and Systems Analysts* | 1574 | 1120 |
2613 | Software and Applications Programmers* | 6202 | 3397 |
2621 | Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists | 2391 | 254 |
2631 | Computer Network Professionals* | 1318 | 715 |
2633 | Telecommunications Engineering Professionals | 1000 | 357 |
2711 | Barristers | 1000 | 1 |
2713 | Solicitors | 4161 | 82 |
2723 | Psychologists | 1750 | 26 |
2725 | Social Workers | 1562 | 115 |
3122 | Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 | 25 |
3123 | Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 | 27 |
3132 | Telecommunications Technical Specialists | 1000 | 12 |
3211 | Automotive Electricians | 1000 | 0 |
3212 | Motor Mechanics | 5980 | 50 |
3222 | Sheetmetal Trades Workers | 1000 | 1 |
3223 | Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers | 4426 | 15 |
3232 | Metal Fitters and Machinists | 5330 | 19 |
3233 | Precision Metal Trades Workers | 1000 | 0 |
3241 | Panelbeaters | 1344 | 1 |
3311 | Bricklayers and Stonemasons | 1271 | 10 |
3312 | Carpenters and Joiners | 6968 | 18 |
3322 | Painting Trades Workers | 2780 | 5 |
3331 | Glaziers | 1000 | 1 |
3332 | Plasterers | 2103 | 4 |
3334 | Wall and Floor Tilers | 1407 | 0 |
3341 | Plumbers | 5507 | 6 |
3411 | Electricians | 9354 | 32 |
3421 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics | 1427 | 4 |
3422 | Electrical Distribution Trades Workers | 1000 | 0 |
3423 | Electronics Trades Workers | 1878 | 23 |
3513 | Chefs | 2675 | 59 |
3941 | Cabinetmakers | 1905 | 2 |
3991 | Boat Builders and Shipwrights | 1000 | 0 |
*Occupations that are subject to pro rata arrangements.