• 读书:阅读那些美妙而鼓舞人心的作品将提升你的词汇量和阅读技巧。书籍同样可以帮助你紧跟通俗文化的潮流。你可以加入一个读书俱乐部或者在咖啡厅和读过相同文章的人进行交流,讨论每个人的观点并激发自己的灵感。
• 学习一门语言:研究表明,学习新语言是你的大脑将以一种独特的方式受到刺激,在大多数文化中,熟练的掌握多种语言是很平常的事,并且对于不断增长的美国移民人口来说,学习一门新的语言只会让你在招聘市场中更容易得到一份工作。
• 参加一项课程:独立学习往往不那么容易。参加一项网络课程,比如一项大型的网络公开课,就是一个免费学习新知识的好方法。你可以拥有成百上千的资料和学友,这将使你感觉成为课程文化的一部分,而不是孤独的坐在家里学习。
• 寻求反馈:寻求反馈是学习提高的最有效方法之一。吸取良师益友和其他人给你的作品提出的反馈是一个提高你接受能力的非常简单的方法。
• 寻找良师益友:一个良师益友会告诉你专业、职业或者技能的细微差别。这个人会指引你走向成功的道路并帮助你实现你认为不可能实现的目标。
• 别 再看电视:娱乐电视节目会消耗你的大脑,因为你不需要去思考和分析形式,而且电视节目总会让你坐着或躺着,给你养成不健康的饮食和生活习惯。读读书活着散 散步总是要强过看电视,并且同样可以激发你的大脑,释放安多酚(由疼痛、压力、情绪的刺激产生的一种体内化学分子)。
• 开始一项训练计划:众所周知,锻炼可以促进心脏血管和肌肉的健康,从而提高整体的生活质量。锻炼身体可以让你吃得好睡得香,使身心同时健康发展。投入一项训练计划是艰难的,但对于锻炼所带来的益处来说是完全值得的。
• 学着做饭:做饭会把你引入一个身体和精神同时提升的境界。你不仅要用心学习如何做饭,而且还会变得富有创造性,并且通过选择所吃的食物来提高整体的身心健康。做饭也可以与人合作来促进家庭和睦或提高社交能力。
• 选择一个新的爱好:业余爱好是可以一个人做的事。比如说园艺,就是个有利于身体健康的爱好,因为你会进行户外劳动并学习关于植物的知识。业余爱好能起到其他很多活动所不能的激发大脑锻炼身体的作用。
• 早睡早起:睡眠对人保持白天的活力很重要。根据不同的体质,你需要或多或少的睡眠。不管需要多少睡眠,早起都是有益的,研究显示早上5点到6点起床的人更加精力充沛。
• 远离快餐和垃圾食品:垃圾食品和快餐含有很高的糖分却没多少营养。它们给你很直接的高能量,但这能量很有限而且会使你发胖。远离这些食品有利于身心健康,同时更合适的身材会令人欣赏从而有利于社交活动。
• 瑜伽和冥想:瑜伽时冥想已被证明是特别有益的自助方式。瑜伽伸展你的身体延伸你的思维并提升整体的身心健康。
• 经历成长:当你设定一个目标,几要努力的实现它。经历这成长和进步非常重要,因为只有你努力实践练习才能更接近真实的成功。
• 阅读自助文章:自助是不容易做到的,而人更乐于去聆听别人的故事和想法。阅读那些自助文章,可以激发兴趣,形成共鸣,并能帮你保持前进的动力。
• 多陪家人:家庭是人永远的港湾。和睦的家庭环境对个人的身心健康大有益处,与家人越是亲密生活越是积极阳光。
• 联系老朋友:老朋友往往是最了解你的。联系老朋友,他会帮你打开心结。
• 记录生活:记录你的每一次进步很重要,因为它能帮助你设定目标并在前进的旅程中坚持不懈。记录是一个将思想、身体和精神的提升结合起来的好办法,并能将这种自我的提升不断延续下去。
• 改掉一个坏习惯:坏习惯总是很难改掉,但坚决的改掉一个坏习惯将使你终身受益。这样不仅可以吴星的提高身心健康,而且还能帮你认识到自己的自制力并拥有挑战一切事情的力量。
来源:译言网 译者: CaptainPoet
原文:The Only Way to Improve Your Situation is to Improve Yourself
Self-improvement is multifaceted. To improve yourself, you must consider every aspect of the word self. This means improving your mind, your body, and your soul. This article will discuss ways to improve each.
Improve your mind
• Read books: Books are amazing and inspiring pieces of work that will help you improve your vocabulary and reading skills. Books also help you stay up on what is happening in popular culture. You can join a book club or read at a coffee shop where you can interact with others who have read the same text, bouncing ideas off one another and stimulating your intellect.
• Learn a language: Research has shown that learning a new language stimulates your brain in way that nothing else can. In most cultures, knowing multiple languages fluently is commonplace and with the ever-growing migrant populations in the United States, learning a new language will only be helpful in the future. Learning a new language can also boost your marketability on the job market.
• Take a course: Learning is not always easy to do alone. Taking an online course, like a massive online open course, is a great way to learn something new for free. You can have access to thousands of pages of materials and hundreds of classmates, which will enable you to feel like you are part of a class culture instead of sitting home, alone studying by yourself.
• Ask for feedback: Feedback is one of the best ways to improve. Having peers, mentors, and others offer you feedback on your work is one very easy way to improve your capabilities.
• Seek out a mentor: A mentor is someone who teaches you the nuances of a profession, trade, or skill. This person can guide you on a path towards success and help you actualize goals that you maybe thought were not possible.
• Stop watching TV: Television, while entertaining, can be a drain on your brain as you do not often have to think or analyze situations. Television also forces you to sit or lie down, which leads to unhealthy eating and exercising habits. Reading a book or going for a run is always a better alternative to watching tv, and they can also stimulate your brain and release endorphins in a similar way.
Improve your body
• Start an exercise routine: Exercising is known to improve your cardiovascular and muscular health as well as improving your overall quality of life. Exercising your body helps you sleep and eat better, which enables you to improve your mind and body simultaneously. Getting into a routine can be difficult, but exercising is rewarding enough that it is worth it.
• Learn to cook: Cooking can lead to a world of physical and mental improvements. Not only can you use your mind to learn how to cook, you can also become creative with ingredients and improve your overall mental and physical health by choosing what you goes into the food you eat. Cooking can also be a bonding activity that leads to familial and social growth.
• Pick up a new hobby: Hobbies are things that you can do that are your own. Gardening, for example, can be a great hobby for your physical health as you will be working outside and learning about plants. A hobby can stimulate your brain and body in ways many activities can not.
• Go to sleep and wake up earlier: Sleep is important for functioning throughout the day. Depending on your body, you may need more or less sleep. Regardless of how much sleep you need, waking up earlier can benefit everyone, as studies have shown people who wake up between 5a and 6a are more productive throughout the day than their counterparts.
• Cut out fast food and junk food: Junk food and fast food contain high amounts of sugar and low amounts of nutrients. They give you an immediate high followed by a crash and can negatively affect your waistline. Cutting out both of these products can increase your mental and physical health as well as your social health as you likely will lose weight and be more desirable to others.
Improve your soul
• Start yoga and meditation: Meditating through yoga has been shown to be an extremely intimate self-help mechanism. Yoga stretches out your body and mind and improves your overall mental and physical health.
• Commit to growing: When you set a goal, you must stick to it. Committing to grow is important as you are more likely to actually succeed at growing if you are committed to the practice.
• Read self-help articles: Self-help is difficult to do on one’s own, and you would be wise to hear other people’s stories and ideas. Reading self-help articles can spark interests, connect you to peers, and help you maintain a level of commitment to growing.
• Spend more time with your family: Family is the one thing that never goes away. Having a healthy relationship with your family can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Maintaining strong ties with family only leads to positivity.
• Reconnect with old friends: The people who know you the best are sometimes people from the past. Reconnecting with old friends can be rewarding and open up doors you thought might have closed.
• Start keeping a journal: Recording your progress is important as it helps you set goals and maintain on your journey. A journal is a great way to organize your mental, physical, and spiritual progress and will allow you to continue to self-improve.
• Quit a bad habit: Bad habits die hard and committing to quitting one bad habit can make a world of difference in your life. Not only can it potentially improve your mental and physical health, but also it can help you recognize that you are in control of your own life and have the power to do anything.
Overall, improving your mind, body, and soul is a long, slow journey. You would be wise to organize your self-improvement efforts and keep track of your progress. Making your life better can only be done by you, and if you follow these simple steps, you will be well on your way to a more positive, happy, and healthy life.