政府还表示, 正在与澳大利亚审慎监管局(APRA)和多家金融机构就设立澳大利亚商业增长基金进行磋商, 该基金将为小企业提供更长期的股权融资。
预计该增长基金将效仿英国商业增长基金的先例。英国商业增长基金成立于 2011年, 向整个经济领域投资约27亿美元。
IPA执行总裁Andrew Conway表示,这两只基金可以说是对小型企业融资的最大结构性改革,也是IPA一直在积极游说的改革。
“我们欢迎并祝贺澳大利亚政府设立了一个价值20亿澳币的澳大利亚商业证券化基金,该基金将激励和辅佐规模较小的银行和非银行贷款机构腾出资本, 并向更多的小企业提供贷款。这将赋予小企业成长和扩张的信心。
他说:“这种应用研究模式显然引领了世界对中小企业部门进行关键改革, 并拥有切实的政策声明作为后盾。”
IPA heralds $2bn fund as winfor SMEs
The Institute of Public Accountants has called a $2 billion fundannounced by the government as a major win for small business and builds on theresearch from its Australian Small Business White Paper.
Yesterday, the government announced a $2 billionAustralian Business Securitisation Fund as well as encouraged the establishmentof an Australian Business Growth Fund.
The Australian Business Securitisation Fund willinvest up to $2 billion in the securitisation market, providing additionalfunding to smaller banks and non-bank lenders to on-lend to small businesses onmore competitive terms.
The securitisation fund will be administered bythe Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM), consistent with theirprior involvement in the Residential Mortgage Backed Securities Market in 2008.
The government also said it is in consultationwith APRA and a number of financial institutions in regard to the establishmentof an Australian Business Growth Fund that would provide longer term equityfunding to small businesses.
The growth fund is expected to follow theprecedent of the UK’s Business Growth Fund, which was established in 2011 andinvested around $2.7 billion into a range of sectors across the economy.
IPA chief executive Andrew Conway said both fundsare arguably the biggest structural reforms to small business finance it hasseen, and are reforms it has been actively lobbying for.
“We welcome and congratulate the Australiangovernment for the creation of a $2 billion Australian Business SecuritisationFund, which will provide incentive and capacity to smaller banks and non-banklenders to free capital up and lend to more small businesses. This will givethose small businesses the confidence to grow and employ,” Mr Conway said.
“The government has also clearly indicated it isprogressing an Australian Growth Fund as mentioned in the Treasurer’s pressrelease, again directly attributable to the work undertaken through the IPADeakin SME Research Centre and the Small Business White Paper process.”
In publishing the Small Business White Paper, MrConway said the IPA investigated enhancements to a Loan Guarantee Scheme, andalso worked with the Australian Small Business and Family EnterpriseOmbudsman through the Affordable Access to Capital Inquiry.
“This bolstered our calls for structural changemodelled on the British Growth Fund (UK) wherein the banks are levied to createa corpus of funds to enhance access to finance for slightly higher risk SMEsand start-ups where the return on investment may be over a longer period,” MrConway said.
“This could also be used as a vehicle to fuel astronger securitisation market in Australia by enabling easier access tofinance for small businesses.”
Mr Conway said the policy changes will havelong-term impacts on the viability of the small business community and are adirect result of the applied research undertaken through the IPA Deakin SMEResearch Centre.
“This model of applied research is clearly leadingthe world in delivering critical reform to the SME sector backed up withtangible policy announcements,” he said.
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