美使馆免费留学讲座:专业人士指点美国高校申请 ( 本科),12月4日星期四18:00

2018年11月26日 美国驻华大使馆

专业人士指点美国高校申请 ( 本科)

The insider’s guide to applying to U.S. colleges (Undergraduate Study)

 2018  年 12月 4日(星期四),  晚上 18:00-20:00

Dec. 4, 2018, Thursday, 18:00-20:00 pm     



https://www.educationusachina.com/node/2272 (阅读原文)



EducationUSA邀请美国时尚设计商业学院(FIDM)中国区招生老师Kitty Zhang女士于12月4号晚6:00-7:30为大家分享“美国高等教育申请小贴士 ( 本科)”。 讲座重点是美国大学申请的时间安排和注意事项,职业与专业的选择,提高专业领域英语的技巧以及学习和生活经验分享。 

China Recruitment officer from FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising), Ms. Kitty Zhang, will give a presentation on “ The insider’s guide to applying to U.S. colleges (Undergraduate Study)” at the Beijing American Center on December 4, from 6:00-7:30 p.m.. The session is hosted by EducationUSA and will address a series of important topics, including:  U.S. university and college application timelines and tips, examples of majors and related career choices, tips for improving English in specialized areas, and life and study on U.S. campuses. 

⚠  注意:本活动免费提供给一般公众。音频和视频记录设备不得使用。有关媒体采访细节须直接与美国使馆新闻处取得联系。

NOTE: This event is open to the general public free of charge.  Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.  Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.


⚠  请记住携带有效身份证件与报名确认邮件进入北京美国中心。此活动请勿携带大包与笔记本电脑。 

You must bring a valid photo ID and your registration confirmation email in order to get into the Beijing American Center (BAC). Large bags and laptops will not be allowed into the program area of BAC.




You must arrive at the Embassy BAC entrance no later than half an hour of the program starting time for check in. You will NOT be admitted if you arrive half an hour after the program has started.

📷 “参与者授权美国国务部拍摄和录像他们的形象和/或声音。允许美国国务部在公共信息项目和活动中发布、出版、广播或引用这些材料。获得的内容可能会被用于未来的演讲、在互联网上传播、以及通过多种广播渠道和印刷媒体传播。内容(图片、音频或想法)的使用将不会用于商业目的。

“Attendees grant permission to the U.S. Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice. Permission is granted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish, broadcast or quote this material in public information programs and activities. Content procured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, through multiple broadcast channels and print media.  Use of content (image, audio or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes.” 



For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. 

📍地点:北京市朝阳区安家楼路55号 (美国大使馆东门)。
Location: No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S. Embassy). 

Directions: Metro Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to the Tian Ze Road intersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visas Office. 

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