联邦教育部长柏恩(Christopher Pyne)希望扩大简化签证审批的范围,能有助于增加来澳留学的留学生人数。按照政府的新规定,低移民风险的高等教育机构从2015年初开始,将能向申请高等文凭类课程的学生,提供简化的签证审批过程。
Morestreamlined visas a boost for Australian education sector
Monday,26 May 2014
Jointmedia release with the Hon Scott Morrison MP, Minister for Immigration andBorder Protection and the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Minister forEducation, Leader of the House.
Streamlinedvisa processing arrangements will be extended to students enrolled in advanceddiploma level courses at low immigration risk providers, Minister forImmigration and Border Protection, the Hon Scott Morrison and Minister forEducation, Christopher Pyne said today.
MinisterMorrison said the streamlining of the visa application process for advanceddiploma courses will benefit eligible students through simpler and faster visaprocessing, and is in addition to existing arrangements for eligible highereducation sector students.
'Thiswill enable eligible education providers in the Vocational Education and Training(VET) sector and higher education sector to directly access SVP. This will makestudy in Australia even more attractive to overseas students, while at the sametime ensuring that immigration risk is appropriately managed,' MinisterMorrison said.
MinisterPyne said that these changes will substantially benefit Australia'shigh-quality VET and higher education sectors, supporting the sustainablegrowth of Australia's international education industry while providing a vitalboost to the economy.
'Thenumber of international students seeking to study in Australia continues torebound positively, with an increase of over 27 per cent in the number of visasgranted to offshore applicants in the 2013-14 programme year,' Minister Pynesaid.
'ExtendingSVP arrangements will help capitalise on these trends, reducing red tape andhelping to attract further students from overseas.'