以下是《指定区域移民政策》(Designated Area Migration Agreements)具体条例:
2. 允许澳洲雇主可以以最高低于标准工资的10%的薪资来雇用海外员工(最低标准工资可以为$48,510)
3. 不能低于澳洲员工的工资
4. 要求雇主满足457担保要求,包括培训的要求
5. 允许雇主们寻求以较低的薪资和语言要求来雇用海外员工
Local migration agreements to provide economic boosts
Friday, 29 August 2014
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has finalised guidelines for Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMA) which will stimulate local economies providing more business and job opportunities for Australians in areas experiencing labour and skills shortages, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash said today.
Under DAMAs an up to 10 per cent salary concession would only apply to the TSMIT – so the minimum wage could only be $48,510.
Even with a discount applied overseas workers will be paid well above the relevant award for the jobs they do.
All conditions including normal award provisions continue to apply.
DAMAs do not permit overseas workers to undercut Australian workers: overseas workers must be provided with terms and conditions no less favourable than Australian employees
DAMAs do not allow entry of unqualified overseas workers: overseas workers must hold appropriate qualifications and experience, and meet any registration and licensing arrangements
DAMAs do not allow employers to substitute Australian workers with overseas workers: employers must show that they have sought to recruit Australian workers within the previous six months
DAMAs do not allow employers to avoid training Australians. Employers participating in a DAMA must meet subclass 457 sponsorship obligations, including training benchmarks
DAMAs do not allow employers to bring in unskilled overseas workers. Overseas workers must be skilled or semi-skilled.
Disallowance motion - Non contributory parent and aged parent, aged dependent relative, remaining relative and carer visas
Senator Hanson-Young is shortly intending to move a disallowance motion against the Migration Amendment (Repeal of Certain Visa Classes) Regulation 2014, as contained in Select Legislative Instrument 2014 No. 65 [F2014L00622], made under the Migration Act 1958. The Instrument ceased the non contributory parent and aged parent, aged dependent relative, remaining relative and carer vis subclasses.
IF the disallowance motion is successful, there may be a short period of time to again lodge applications for these visa subclasses before moves are made to again close these pathways.
The lodgement instructions from Members Notice 57, 30 May 2014 are also repeated below:
Parent Visas subclass 103 and Subclass 804
§Applications must be posted or couriered to the Parent Visa Centre
§Emailed and faxed applications will not be accepted! Schedule 1 does not allow it.
Remaining Relative
§Subclass 115 - Applications can be lodged at any overseas DIBP office
§Subclass 835 - Although the DIBP website advises that applications can be lodged at the Perth DIBP office, marked “Attention Child and Other Family Processing Centre”, Schedule 1 states that “if no address has been specified for subparagraphs (i) and (ii) — by lodging the application at an office of Immigration.” And there appears to be no addressed specified by the Minister.
There is no legal impediment to lodging an application for this visa at any DIBP office in事情是这样的,因为一名绿党议员萨拉汉森杨将在议会发动废除不许可提案(Disallowance Motion), 取消排队父母移民、亲属移民的移民法条例。如果此举成功,免费排队父母移民、亲属移民可在短时间内重新再次递交申请,但是申请递交只开放一段时间,时间一到申请通道将再次关闭。请大家注意,申请表格40,47PA是当时申请截止时候所要求的表格。
1. 父母签证103和804类别:
2. 家属移民:
4. 照顾类签证