
2015年02月01日 加拿大麦麦代购



一. 我们自己连续使用半年时间,真心感觉到头发的变化和每次沐浴完的愉快。

二. 帮朋友发廊定了一批,预计2月10日清关到北京,大家预定可以随时提货。

做为非专业级洗发护发系列,这款算是欧莱雅的顶级产品。亚洲很少有国家销售,推荐两款本人用过的:Ever Crème (我怀孕期间一直在用)和 Ever Strong (我老公用)

一.滋养保湿超级出色的Ever Crème,配合护发一起使用头发极致顺滑(适合女士使用)

洗发250ml+护发250ml 套装¥188元

Clean your hair while preserving natural moisture with EverCrèmeIntense Nourishing Shampoo. Infused with Omega-3 and 6, this formula gentlycleanses and restores lost moisture by instantly wrapping each strand withtriple action conditioners. Hair is lefthealthy-lookingand manageable—withoutany weighdown.

对头发强烈滋养,天然的保湿注入了Omega-3 and 6成份,温和不刺激头皮,将头发失去的水分即使补充回来。适合中性至干性头发天然植物药用

Sulfate-free/Noharshsalts/Paraben-free/Natural botanicals/100%vegan

二.使头发重焕活力的Ever Strong(适合男士使用)

洗发250ml+护发250ml 套装¥188元

For hair that needs extra strength and volume, discoverhair care that’s so gentle, yet so strong. The EverStrong Sulfate-Free FortifySystem™ contains L’Oréal’s patented Amino Acid Complex, which helps weak,thinning hair to look thicker while caring for the scalp. EverStrong ThickeningConditioner fortifies the scalp and adds body to fine, limp hair, leaving itstrong and silky. Rich and natural aromatic properties from rosemary andjuniper help energize and invigorate the senses, boosting circulation forhealthier scalp and hair.



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