来源:OG P428-14(06年10月长单小说)
14. In lines 80-82 (“scrupulous…love”),Miss Keeldar deflects the warning from Mr. Sympson by
(A) deliberately misunderstanding his meaning
(B) scornfully turning the blame back on him
(C) childishly mocking the tone of his comment
(D) lamenting his failure to sympathize with her
“Take care! Take care!” (warning her with voice and hand that trembled alike.)
“Why? What shadow ofpower have you over me? Why should I fear you?”
“Take care, madam!”
“Scrupulouscare I will take, Mr. Sympton. Before I marry, I am resolved to esteem---to admire---tolove.”
解析:这道题难度是最高级5,考点是修辞当中的pun(双关语)。题干已经明确告知Miss Keeldar在通过某种方式转移Mr. Sympson的警告,由此可以知道上句Mr. Sympson 说的“Take care, madam!”,应该理解成为“说话小心点,女士!”而Miss Keeldar的回答却是“我将会特别地小心的,Mr. Sympson。在我结婚之前,我决定要有自尊,要去欣赏,要有爱。”由此可知,Miss Keeldar所说的take care不是指自己说话要小心有礼貌,而是自己会谨慎考虑小心选择结婚对象的意思。所以,take care一词出现了一语双关的现象,表现出Miss Keeldar故意曲解他叔叔对她的警告,因此正确答案选A。你hold住了么?