
2015年07月21日 加拿大国际教育集团

我想,2015年4月24日上午对 于我们雅居乐加拿达中英文幼儿园大班的17名小朋友来说,一定是一个难忘而深刻的日子,因为在将近一个半月的紧张排练后,我们的集体舞蹈《柑之乐》今天终于要完美呈现 给所有南村幼儿园小朋友及老师了。去到现场,在家长与老师的共同努力下,我们将小演员们变成了一个个活泼又有生机的小橘子,而此时,比赛已经如火如荼的在 进行着了。

在激动又兴奋的等待过后,我们有序的上台就位,音乐想起,现场瞬间安静了,17位小演员带领着我们进入了一个生机勃勃、满眼嫩 绿的橘子世界,我们看到了小橘子们由发芽、拔地而出后长成大树,经过浇水最终硕果累累的全过程,观众们不时地鼓掌、不时地被我们这些可爱小橘子的萌态所逗 笑,短短五分钟,却仿佛看到了春夏秋冬的变化。

到了整个比赛最紧张的环节,当颁奖人报完三等奖及二等奖的获奖名单后,我们几乎是屏住呼吸 期待着一等奖,当颁奖人说出“获得2015年南村镇“迎六一幼儿舞蹈比赛”一等奖的是——雅居乐加拿达中英文幼儿园《柑之乐》后,欢呼雀跃的小朋友们完全忘却 了排练的辛苦与汗水,为自己的努力而认真竖起了大拇指,老师与家长更是为此感动骄傲不已,由此,我不得不再一次感谢我们所有的小演员们,他们是:Kitty毕颖彤、Wendy杨雯玮、Emily李昕宜、Winni李心悦、Alisa张阿荔挲、Echo安星语、Tony黄远图、Ophelia欧 桐菲、Alice谷欣霖、Sharon孔曦然、Crystal刘思彤、Dodo黄蕊萱、Amy钱书涵、Natalie吴嘉莹、Yoyo叶佩颖、Joe张斯 乔、Yisa田裕仪!


The morning of April 24th, 2015 for 17 Agile Kindergarten dance students must have been a memorable and profound experience. After nearly half a month of intense rehearsals they perfected their collective dance routine entitled, "The Jolly Orange". The performance was a wonderful present for all kindergarten children and teachers in attendance. With the help of teachers and parents the students made their way to the competition hall just in time for the event to go into full swing.

After excitedly waiting their turn to shine, students headed to the stage and took their positions. A hush fell over the audience as the music began, and the team of seventeen young dancers led them through a dance interpretation of the life cycle of an orange its beginning to its end. The audience applauded and laughed in reaction to this dance of oranges! Though only five minutes, the performance left audience members with the feeling of watching a seasonal change.

The most stressful part of the dance competition was when the presenter reported the complete list of third and second prize winners, students had to hold their breath and wait for the first prize announcement. As the presenter said "the winner is - CKE-A!" the cheering kids completely forgot the hardship and sweat of trehearsals and gave themselves a well deserved pat on the back. Their teachers and parents are all very proud of them. CIEO wants to give a special thanks to these wonderful dancers once more. The team included Kitty, Wendy, Emily, Winnie, Alisa, Echo, Tony, Ophelia, Alice, Sharon, Crystal, Dodo, Amy, Natalie, Yoyo, Joe and Yisa!

The competition provided a platform for kids to show off their vitality and while being appropriate for their age it provided them with an opportunity for growth in both body and mind. At this early stage in their life experiences even though their bodies are so small, they still have shown so much power!




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