MGA建筑事务所设计了这栋位于加拿大BC省的Ronald McDonald House孩童疗养中心。该项目涵盖四幢四层楼宇,全部采用了最新的CLT正交胶合木建造。中心为73户家庭提供孩童看护,照料和医疗救助服务。中心的服务设施齐全,包括厨房,健身中心,餐厅,图书馆,办公室,教室和室外游乐空间等。CLT材料能确保室内环境和空气质量达到最优,并且获得LEED金牌认证。
MGA has completed a new, 73-family facility for The Ronald McDonald House of British Columbia (RMHBC) at BC Women’s and Children’s Hospital. The new House provides a home-away-from-home for out of town families with children receiving medical treatment in Vancouver. MGA worked in a highly collaborative design process with the Ronald McDonald House team to produce design solutions that are sensitive to the needs of the staff, families and volunteers. Building integrated branding and wayfinding were also a key part of MGA’s approach to this project.
The new House serves 73 families and includes common spaces, kitchen + dining areas, fitness facilities, library resources, office areas, educational space and outdoor play areas. The new facility incorporates the most current building systems available to provide for a safe environment for all children including those with compromised immune systems. The House features an innovative tilt-up CLT wood structure, and is expected to gain a LEED Gold rating.